Mat Cutter cutting mats ragged

Wendy & June

Aug 7, 2006
We just bought a used C&H Pro Advantage mat cutter. We were really excited since the one we were using was nearly 30 years old. The problem is sometimes it cuts a perfect mat and sometimes it looks ragged. We tried using a new blade everytime and changing the position of the blade. Sometimes this works and sometimes it doesn't. Anyone else have this problem? This is getting really annoying...someone please help.
The usual reason(after a dull blade) is that your slip sheet needs to be moved so the blade is cutting into a new area and not recuttung in an old cut.
Make sure your blade is going completely through the mat and slightly (1/32" or 1/16th) into the "slipsheet" (scrap matboard). Sometimes if the blade is plunging too deep into your slipsheet it will wiggle & cause the ragged edge along the bevel. Also make sure you are using the correct blades for the cutter - some framers try to use a cheaper brand of blades and all they do is waste matboard. To correct some ragged edges, try using an emery board (lightly) to clean up the bevel.
Originally posted by McPhoto:
To correct some ragged edges, try using an emery board (lightly) to clean up the bevel.
The emery nail files that femails use are excellent for this ;)