SGF, Supreme Grumble Framer
This is really strange.
I have been cutting mats all week and this a.m. went to cut my first mat of the day - nothing has changed since last night.. and
Wallop. The blade slips/pushes abut 1/8" off track and bends the tip of the blade. I check the blade depth, I check the slip sheet. I realign the blade itself.
Try again. I have now ruined 8 blade tips and one mat. So, I read my manual. I try again. Wallop.
So I try another mat board - works like a charm - as usual.
Do you think it could be something in the mat board - like they laminated a piece of thin metal between the face and backer!??!! (that's a joke) The blade drags, doesn't perform as normal.
The mat is B8259 - which I have cut before.. but this piece has the devil in it!
What do you suggedt.
I have been cutting mats all week and this a.m. went to cut my first mat of the day - nothing has changed since last night.. and
Wallop. The blade slips/pushes abut 1/8" off track and bends the tip of the blade. I check the blade depth, I check the slip sheet. I realign the blade itself.
Try again. I have now ruined 8 blade tips and one mat. So, I read my manual. I try again. Wallop.
So I try another mat board - works like a charm - as usual.
Do you think it could be something in the mat board - like they laminated a piece of thin metal between the face and backer!??!! (that's a joke) The blade drags, doesn't perform as normal.
The mat is B8259 - which I have cut before.. but this piece has the devil in it!
What do you suggedt.