Mat board causing mat cutter/blade problems


SGF, Supreme Grumble Framer
Jun 13, 2002
Fingerlakes Region of NYS
This is really strange.

I have been cutting mats all week and this a.m. went to cut my first mat of the day - nothing has changed since last night.. and

Wallop. The blade slips/pushes abut 1/8" off track and bends the tip of the blade. I check the blade depth, I check the slip sheet. I realign the blade itself.

Try again. I have now ruined 8 blade tips and one mat. So, I read my manual. I try again. Wallop.

So I try another mat board - works like a charm - as usual.

Do you think it could be something in the mat board - like they laminated a piece of thin metal between the face and backer!??!! (that's a joke) The blade drags, doesn't perform as normal.

The mat is B8259 - which I have cut before.. but this piece has the devil in it!


What do you suggedt.
hmmm... I use a cmc, so I haven't had it do that. I have on occasion had the blade catch in on spot and not cleanly slice through the mat, bunching it up and ruining that piece. I just chalk it up to the cmc being hungry and eating my board. Pehaps it's actually to board?
Originally posted by Ron's Mat Maestro:
Sounds completely normal to me.
And Maestro would know!

I have found stuff in the matboard, Flecks of wood, etc but not often. Is your head on tight? (on your matcutter, sheesh) Do you have a chip on your guide bar.

Had a similar problem once a while back. seems I had neglected cleaning for a LONG time and some atg on the bottom of my cutter bar had picked up a loose blade and that did cause some ruined matboards!
Last week I ran into that problem with my wall cutter. Every board I cut was jagged. Found I had 5 bad blades in the box. Ran an emory board over the blade, as a test, and they worked fine. Can't complain about sloppy QC as 5 bad blades out of the hundreds, thousands, used isn't too bad!

B8259 is one of those pesky matboards that they don't tell you about. It is covered by a very thin layer of Sable Island horsehide. There is quite a history of this tenacious creature here that you may find interesting.

These Hardy little horses have been sought after for years for their black leather which is valued for absolutely nothing but coverings for matboards. Don't ask me why this is so, but, regarding your problems cutting this board, it is quite likely the organic makeup of the hide from these longtime residents of the island that have caused your problems.

I would suggest that you carefully mark your cut lines on the back of the matboard. Then take a double bitted axe and carefully cut your bevel on that line using a firm 2 handed grip and proper underlayment so not to get a ragged cut through the leather.

If you have further questions, please ask Ron as he has more information on the actual cutting of this mat.

(I think that he uses the Mat Maestro for this job, ............. maybe.)


That is really interesting - I must have a batch with hair from their winter coats! I am going to try it again... and sharpen my axe!!
