Marriage Licence is Finished


SGF, Supreme Grumble Framer
Feb 14, 2004
Nicholasville, KY
Thought you all might like to see since some members here gave me the idea.
I have to keep working on this photo thing.
They are way too dark.
Mat is dark camel colored. Second picture shows closer to true color, but the frame still shows darker than it it. Hard to see but bottom is weighted 3/4 in for merely cosmetic reasons. Looks nice in person.

Going for classic, but slightly modern in an old fashion kinda way ;)


Let me know what you think

Yep frame is omega.
I would have liked a fillet too, but customer had me on a $100 limit and I wanted to make some money
Looks like that customer got a deal for $100!
Originally posted by Steven6095:
Yep frame is omega.
I would have liked a fillet too, but customer had me on a $100 limit and I wanted to make some money
I thought the frame looked familiar! Actually that's a very nice Omega frame (79941), people just love it and it is really affordable.

I still can't believe you did this for $100 though! That's the deal of the century.
That's the deal of the century.
I'm guessing the size at 17 X14. Double suede mat would run almost $50 in our shop...add the frame, glass, mounting, fitting. Yeah, I'd say it was a deal.

And it is beautiful!
Never ceases to amaze me, what people get cheap on.
Wonder if the wedding dress was a rental from Good Will....

Steven, nice job, but you didn't make much if anything. Hope it was scrape clear glass.
I made a little bit (around $30 on it). Used scrap mat board and scrap AF/FC. Remember this is not my primary job and my over head is as high as the basement ceiling ;) LOL

I do a lot of computer work for the customer's wife so the money comes from them to me in other ways.

As for the $100 limit....I had invisioned something simpler with more profit, but you all gave me too good of ideas!!
I figured around $200 if it was at my usual price.....
I saw the idea in my head when some people here mentioned it and I had to run with it.

Still made profit, made one of my best computer customers very happy and you all like it
Outstanding! I know it's popular to add all the bells and whistles, but sometimes a simpler presentation is exactly what works best.

(I know of a retail framer locally that has brought his matting jobs to the point of overpowering the subject matter, making the matting a separate work of 'art'.)

Great job!
Talk about regional differences. I am in Ky. Mostly farming community, etc. $320 quote on something like this would have my customers at WalMart picking out a frame on sale.

I do appreciate all the comments

Why doesn't everyone else post here once in a while? It seems I have made more post to the design section than anyone lately. Show off what you can do!! I love getting ideas from other people. My biggest suprise is that everyone has been so nice with their comments. Even the critical ones have offered advice and pointed out the good points. POST!!
I / We want to see what you can do
It turned out nice. I'mm not familiar with Omega but that looks like a good'n.
Looks very nice. We are also from a small (although fast-growing) community. Maybe with a suede, my price woulda been more, but not by alot. (Maybe 150-160) Nice mat color choice and the ornamentation on the frame goes well with the gold around the certificate itself. Good job!
Originally posted by Steven6095:
Why doesn't everyone else post here once in a while? It seems I have made more post to the design section than anyone lately. Show off what you can do!!
stop your whining and keep posting.... :D

it just happens to be your turn in the barrel.
Nice job.

I would love to post some photos. If I could only figure out how.
I'll see what I have and take some photos. Sure would like to figure it out for my self, though.

I have some competion entries, winners and losers alike. Would you like to see some of those?