Mike, I have had a minuscule amount of sleep in the last 48 hours, but let's see if I can get my mind and fingers to work together.
I took the survey (and it is a good one) but the number one thing that brings in business for us wasn't on the list.
The number one "bringer in-er" of brand spanking new, prequalifed framing customers is the other part of our business. What I often refer to as
innovational business or inventory mix, which in our case is antique restoration - caning and wicker repair to be exact. We offer a service that cannot be readily found elsewhere, and a service that is
not inexpensive. The number one comment I hear from caning customers is "Oh, you do framing, too..." (Ya darn right we do!

The second greatest impact on our business is our "relationship marketing." This involves "ME" being involved in the, well, I was going to say "community" but "the world" is a more correct term. I talk about framing all the time. I
engage people in conversation everywhere I go. (We do this a lot in the South and I found this method quite by accident. I think the business magazines call it "networking...") "Are you originally from around here?" What do you do?" (If it's not apparent from being in their office or place of business, etc...) And
always the conversation comes around to "And what do
you do?

And then I tell them." (I gave out 3 business cards and a brochure at the hospital just this morning. The office assistant
reminded me to give her a card before we left.)
Another part of the "relationship marketing or networking" is belonging to organizations and
actually working in them.
Also under that "umbrella" is the visibility I (try) to keep up with the newsletters. In 2002 I sent newsletters semi-regularly. In 2003 due to a variety of factors, I didn't get any sent. My income from framing in 2002 was twice what it was in 2003. Does that tell you something?
Next for bringing in new prospects (I think) are the thank you cards with reply cards which gives a place for referrals. (I say "I think" because I have a ton of referrals that I can't follow up with - but they're there waiting on me for the future...)
(What number am I on...)
Anyway, the website works - that's a proven - it would work better if I could work it better.
I do have the Decor Home magazines. I like them. They will work to keep up my visibility. But they are brand new. I will not "rate" them unless I have used them consistantly for a year or so.
My yellow pages ads work for me, primarily for the caning part of our business, which as I said brings in more framing customers.
My writing for a local newspaper worked well, when I could do it.
I do some of the "ads in football programs" type of stuff, and even though I can't put a "numbers" on it, it too, goes into the overall mix of "exposure."
I reckon the only thing I've done that I would not ever do again is the phonebook covers and special edition newspaper inserts type of things. (As in contrast to John Ranes' signature line, I was younger and ignorant then!)
I may read this in the morning and it not make a lick of sense, but right now, it sounds about right.
PS You
knew I couldn't give a simple list didn't ya
