Marc came to visit

  • Thread starter Thread starter Cliff Wilson
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Cliff Wilson

Yesterday was the New England PPFA meeting and Marc Bluestone did a seminar in the afternoon and a talk in the evening. I would HIGHLY recommend listening to him if you get the chance.

He was one of the best presenters I have listened to. I usually go to these things hoping for one thing I can use. I came away with several! In addition he was an engaging speaker. The afternoon went by quickly.

Don't miss him if you get the chance!

Thank you Marc!
Ditto again

Marc has a true gift as an effective communicator, and helped us see "the big picture". His message was realistic, practical, and we were able to relate it directly with our own business.

We left with several useful pieces of information, which we will incorporate into our marketing and business plans.

Thank you PPFA and Marc for a great event!
