PFG, Picture Framing God
Yikes, I bet Marc Bluestone is tired. He was here in Denver on Sunday and gave two wonderful talks. What an amazing speaker. The crowd was abuzz with enthusiasm. He really tells it like it is. I can't imagine anybody walking away without reams of inspiring stuff. Plus, I finally got to meet one more of my heros. Thanks Marc!
Mark Klostermeyer our PPFA National President also came to judge our print competition and to give a wonderful keynote speech. He really charged people up to join and to get involved. He also was sooooo nice in critiquing our pieces for the competition and leading us through the process since this was our first one ever. Plus, now I have a new hero! Thanks Mark!
This was our final event to close out our first year as a chapter. This was our highest attended event yet, people are starting to see the benefit. How can you not when you get the opportunity to learn from the likes of Jim Miller, Bob Carter, Marc Bluestone and Mark Klostermeyer. The amazing part is they are all so willing to share. Thanks to all four for coming out and making our first year a success!
We have lots more planned for next year......
Mark Klostermeyer our PPFA National President also came to judge our print competition and to give a wonderful keynote speech. He really charged people up to join and to get involved. He also was sooooo nice in critiquing our pieces for the competition and leading us through the process since this was our first one ever. Plus, now I have a new hero! Thanks Mark!
This was our final event to close out our first year as a chapter. This was our highest attended event yet, people are starting to see the benefit. How can you not when you get the opportunity to learn from the likes of Jim Miller, Bob Carter, Marc Bluestone and Mark Klostermeyer. The amazing part is they are all so willing to share. Thanks to all four for coming out and making our first year a success!
We have lots more planned for next year......