Manipulating Lifesaver to fit Goltz Standard???


SGF, Supreme Grumble Framer
Dec 11, 2001
Knoxville TN
Took Jay Goltz's course in Atlanta about pricing strategies. Have Lifesaver. Does any Lifeaver user out there know how to manipulate the program to accept Jay's formulas?

Respond here or to me privately. Much thanks

Lifesaver is already programmed to handle Jay's formula. (you can tack on an extra cost per foot)

From the main screen, go to FILE -> CONFIGURATION

It's about halfway down on the right side under "Mldg Jay Goltz Factor". You put in the amount want there.. ex: 0.50 will tack on 50 cents per foot, etc.

Mike: That's only a fraction of the things needed. Like some components are priced by the square inch, not united inch, etc etc.

Lifesaver isn't configured to do this type pricing and I'm wondering who uses both Jay's techniques and Lifesaver andhave met these challenges
Ahh yes. That's all Lifesaver offers for this as far as I know. I'm one of their volunteer beta testers and they've been very receptive to suggestions. Maybe if you email with some detail what would be nice, they can include it in a future update?

You wouldn't happen to know if they are planning on expaning the options for pricing things?

I like the program but I really don't like the fact that I can't set my mark-ups, flat fee and wastage percentages. All you would need to do is just update the cost per sq inch (or foot) whenever the vendors update prices.

Thier pricing system seems terribly inflexible in an otherwise nice program. I would probably buy it if they added that feature but I definately won't if they don't.

The code is alreay available.

You must first join FramerSelect to get the updated code. Jay worked with Jeff at Lifesaver to work out the additional calculations for glazing, mats, fittings, etc. It takes more work but you can use the calculations that Jay presentend in Atlanta (and will do again in Los Vegas) and enter some of the stuff directly into the software.

I know, it's a pain.

best, Cliff

I believe that would be Jeff from Specialty Soft, which is the recommended POS vendor at FramerSelect

Thanks John, you are correct.

As Mike stated above you can take advantage of Jay's Molding calculation by checking the "Mldg Jay Goltz Factor" and entering your per foot labor charge.

best Cliff