Make Steven Happy

  • Thread starter Thread starter Cliff Wilson
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Cliff Wilson

Here's a couple just so you don't feel alone:


Native American Postage Stamps and the new nickel mounted on cards. Please make it look "indian." Thank you Wizard!

and ...


This one was a retirment award for a local choral director. The award is a glowing prose thanking him for his service. It was a "chip in" gift, so the cost had to be kept down, but they wanted something unique. We took some of the score he had used over the years with his notes all over it ... photo copied in on nice paper, then cut it into pieces and mounted it to rag board. Black Rag underneath for a reveal, simple 1" black frame and ... simple, inexpensive, and unique.

Who is Steven and why would I want to make him happy?
Read his latest in the Design forum.
I am Steven and I have my own titled post of the grumble!!

For those of you who did not know: I made a comment in the design section calling for more people to show what they can do.

Musical piece is wonderful
With some trepidation, I post my latest "frame" which, of course, breaks all the rules about the treatment of archival prints and art.
However, I have been asked by a number of customers to sell them one (various sizes), or backlit frames I also produce.
They are forewarned and, to protect their original images, I scan and print copies for them to display---the original art is not used in this.

* The housing is plastic, and the picture can be changed easily
* The bulb is a surprisingly brilliant 9watt, color-accurate, 5100K, CFL.

Your comments (pro/con) are invited.

[ 10-15-2005, 06:58 PM: Message edited by: MarkH ]
Happy Steven, Happy Happy Happy.:T

You did good Cliff. But for future note: score should run horizontal... same as all fabric grain.
It's a fenistration thing. Or now adays: Feng Say.

(I have no idea who Feng is, nor do I really care.. :D )

Mark, Cibachrome prints? Just unrolled on the inside of the cylindar? Very cool. Very "out of the box".
Baer, I probably should have run it at an angle horizontally. I tried it straight horizontal. Obviously, the way it was "intended." But, I found myself staring at the score. This way, since it clearly was "decoration" and not intended to be read, it became background. THe angled piece on the right was just enough to snap your eye into the certificate if you found yourself wondering down the side.

Now, I don't meant to challenge the master, and it could just be that my eyes aren't on straight, so I'll try harder next time! ;)
Thank you for your "out of the box" reply.
No, not Cibachrome, nor backlit film media unless requested. The image shown is printed on standard 8.5x11 gloss inkjet photo paper (most clients print their own from scans or get online printshop copies to display for a few months at a time, then change them). I've only been making the units for about 4 months and the copies displayed show no obvious fading (yet). But I do tell them specifically NOT to use originals, ONLY copies. The larger ones can hold store-bought poster art.
The pictures slip into the plastic column, not wrap around the outside, so they are protected from damage. There is also a transluscent white top cap to prevent glare and the cylinders for 8.5x11 prints are sized very carefully to minimize edge light leaks (or a flexible mat can be used).
I'm currently working on others (various shapes), some with flatter curvature so more of the image can be viewed face on, tho I think for some images the smaller curvature can be very effective visually. The base covering can be changed easily, as you can see below. I'd appreciate any ideas or suggestions you or other members might have.


Thanks again for your reply.
MarkH, glad you liked the reply, even if you were sure where it came from.

Now the brass tacks: You are obviously the Mfg.. How much $$ for the 8.5x11s?

Publisher: print college of trip or birthday or .... and slip in. How cool is THAT?!

9watt light.... what a great night light for a kids room...