Magnetic idea!


WOW Framer
Jul 24, 2001
Buffalo, New York, USA/Fort Erie, Ontario, Canada
I have a little trick which I just invented for those half dozen of you who, like me, join frames with nails and a mitre vise.

I have a muffin tin with six sizes of nails in a Nielsen 22 (upside-down, screwed under bench) drawer-slide affair. I remove a handful of nails and put them in easy reach whereupon they slide all over my counter, fall on the floor, etc.

To solve this,I attached a small round refrigerator magnet to that big thumb-screw that sticks out of the center of the vise. Then my handful of nails is firmly attached to the magnet yet easily extracted for use one at a time. No more loose nails rolling around! Why didn't I think of this 20 years ago? It is sort of like a magnetic pin cushion!
Mar, 34 years ago, we used a 4" bench vice to hold the frame leg while we <strike>beat the heck out of</strike> I mean, nailed the other leg. I got tired of chasing nails all over the table & floor, so I magnitized the whole dang vice by attaching a 2lb speaker magnet to the thing.

Worked great until they came out with those fad frames out of metal.....the dang nails would stick in the metal either. LOL.
I'm looking for a wood maginet now. :D

Thanks Framar!

Excellent idea and I don't know why I didn't think of that myself...may even help with arthitis too! I enjoy pounding nails more than chasing them.

Dave Makielski
Did I say arthitis? I meant arthritis.

Hope my metal chain doesn't bind me to the vise though.


"I can't help it, I'm just drawn that way"
Jessica from "Roger Rabbit"
Also handy is a small handled flat magnet (about 9" long and 2" wide) covered in plastic and costing less than $2. Great for picking up dropped nails/screws etc. It is sold at bingo supply stores. Seems they are primarily used to pick up magnetized bingo markers at the end of a game.
My lastest hardware store find is a telescoping magnet. It's about the size of a Sharpie but extends to three feet and has a magnet where the felt tip would be. Now I don't have to bend over to pick up nails from the floor. Cool!
