Mad as H...


CGF II, Certified Grumble Framer Level 2
Sep 18, 2002
Huntington Beach, CA
Needed to get a job out Saturday.

A six opening, double mat. (no CMC)

I used Tom's greatest of all time methods on cutting the bottom mat first. Perfect. :D

(using B8435v Ivory 4 ply as top mat)
changed blades and cut a v-groove in the top mat.
however, the v-groove looked like I was using an old blade, anything but a clean cut.
Thinking it was me I recut the mat and tried it again. Same thing, :mad: , so I worked to clean it up. Looked passable.

I flipped the bladed I cut the six openings.
the openings again looked like I was using a dull blade and the corners looked ripped...

Anyone know what going on. I cut several other mats, even using the same blade that I used last, with no problem?

Could the mat be the problem :confused:

Well....for one thing B8435V is Chrome, not Ivory. B8645 is Ivory 4-ply, but it does not come in "V" (vellum), but somehow I don't think that is the problem

There have been issues at times with varying densities of 4-ply rag mats, as well as surface paper issues with some of the vellum series. You might want to put the mat in a heated vacuum press for a while to see if you can dehydrate it before cutting. Was your second attempt at cutting the mat from the same sheet of matboard, or from the same order? You may just have some bad board and all the fresh blades in the world won't help though you might try using a fine grade sharpening stone on the trailing edge of the blade (90 degrees from the cutting edge) to clean off any burr left from the cutting of the blade for length (Learned that one from Bob Hendrixson).
Sounds like a single edge blade in backwards. Humidity does make a difference. You could also be cutting too deep. Back off the blade and do a test.
I changed the blade twice and re-cut the same mat in a different place with the same results.

No, I'm using double edge blades. .0012

Nick...maybe, I don't think so, I'm very careful. However, this is why I change the blade twice and re tried.

I'm thinking that Wally has a point also...vellum mat. Wally states that folks have been having problems with them....maybe?

Thank you all so much.
I have side lined one brand of Vellum mats because the quality of the surface was bad. Can't tell you which one but I'm not keen on them yet. Red mats seem to be the ones which give me problems. Ask the company for some replacement board from another dye lot.
Yea, I exchanged this mat with an Artique, same color, worked just fine.

So, think it was, after all, the mat.

Won't order that "V" type mats any more.

thanks all