Passwords, as well as your login name are . . . CaSe SeNsItIve and S p a c e S e n s i t i v e .
So that mean if you were using the correct password, but had typed:
merpsmom, or Merpsmom, or MERPSMOM, or mERPSmOM, or Merps Mom, or Merps_Mom and not your actual MerpsMom then you will ave a problem.
Also if your Screen Name different from your Login name, you will have a problem is you try and Login under your Sreeen Name and not your Login Name.
For instance Curly Grumble is the Screen Name for Curly Grumble. But his Login name is curly. Not Curly, CurlyGrumble, or CURLY. Here's another: my Screen Name is Marc Lizer, but my Login Name is Marc Lzier (whoa, rather crafty huh?).
So what is capitalized and were the spaces are, and using the Login, not the Screen name are three important things.
As for the Password, the same is true.
Was your Password "poopsie" or was it "Poopsie?"
Did have letters and numbers and symbols?
The biggest Password problem most people have is caps lock. OR should I say CAPS LOCK?
Sometime while you were srufing you hit that nasty button just above the shift key by you left pinky.
So instead of typing "Poopsie" or "poopsie," you are typing "pOOPSIE" or "POOPSIE," but since you can see only *******, and that could really be anything. So check the CAPS LOCK button when you have the Login problem.