Loony frame

Terry Hart cpf

SGF, Supreme Grumble Framer
Sep 23, 2003
Excelsior, MN
I thought this was kind of fun. Sorry about the crappy photo but I think you get the idea. We took a Bella mldg, "Python", and whitened the grooves to make it "Loonyer" for the liner frame. Otherwise it's pretty straight forward job. A black mat and Framerica.
artiseric, whitening the grooves was pretty easy. I just painted the whole thing with white acrylic and wiped it off the top leaving the white in the grooves
Looking forward to seeing them Baer. Now if you would just send them without any protective wrapping it should save me a lot of time "distressing". My drawings are not quite ready yet but I have been working on them from time to time. The subjects are difficult and hard to get into the studio for sittings. If they are there at the same time there is always trouble.
I should have mentioned. The image is by Jim Brandenburg.
<font size=7>****!</font>you wanted them distressed?

I could have rubbed them down with some Valium powder... :D

I'll knock em around a bit.. or send you a quick distresser...