Looking to buy a Mitre Saw

Jess Davis

Oct 15, 2002
Philadelphia, PA
Hi. I'm a rep...trying to help aone of my framers. If you are selling a mitre saw please touch base with me and I'll get you connected to the right person. You can email directly at artandframes@hotmail.com The client is in Philadelphia and they want to try to buy locally. Thank you.
Jess, Don't know if it is still aval but mostly poster had a saw for sale here on the Grumble 4/20/04 look under commerical post last 30 days. I bought some other equipment from him. He is in Boston, not to far from Philly, nice honest guy to deal with

You might want to check out the trade show in Philly.

Sometimes distributors/suppliers will be willing to sell you one of the units they used as demos rather than shouldering the expense of shipping it back to their showroom.

Many years ago I grabbed an OvalMaster mat cutter at half price at such a show.