Looking - Jyden Chopper stop.

Dennis Whitmer

Grumbler in Training
Dec 10, 2001
Ogden, Utah
Does anyone have a suggestion on where to find a stop for a Jyden Chopper. The sliding stop that is used on the extension arm. I don't know if it would be interchangable with the Morso chopper or not.

I have tried United and they don't carry it. I have tried to find a Web site for Jyden, with no luck.

I am beginning to think I may just need to have one made. If I do, a picture of a Jyden or Morso Chopper stop would help in explaining to a machinist what I want. I would appreciate it if someone could e-mail one to me or direct me to a place on the web I could find a one.

Happy Holidays
You might want to check with Tech Mark (501) 945-9393. They handle original Jyden stuff, or did. I'm not really sure if Jyden is still Jyden.

If you can't find one, it would be easy enough to get a local machine shop to make one.