CGF II, Certified Grumble Framer Level 2
I can't believe this is happening......
For those of you who don't know, the store I currently work at is going out of business. So I got another job lined up, the perfect one of course...They schedualed me to start July 18, but I have already done some work for them, helping them out of a tight spot when they were behind on orders. Yesturday I got a check for the work I did. Then I got on the computer to check my email and guess what......
"We are sorry to inform you that...we no longer have a position open for you...."
I just don't understand, they decided they don't have enough business...yet they are 15 min down the road from us and we are going out of business, and have been sending all of our customers to them. My boss was planning on offering them our customer list (8000 or so)
Are they just not paying attention? Do they just not want anymore business? There is not another frame shop within 20 miles!!
I don't know what I am going to do now......I just want to scream!!
Well...crap I don't know what else to say....If I don't get a job quick we will be very hungry and living in our tent!! oh crap.....I am sorry getting upset now...I hear Mcdonalds is hiring.
For those of you who don't know, the store I currently work at is going out of business. So I got another job lined up, the perfect one of course...They schedualed me to start July 18, but I have already done some work for them, helping them out of a tight spot when they were behind on orders. Yesturday I got a check for the work I did. Then I got on the computer to check my email and guess what......
"We are sorry to inform you that...we no longer have a position open for you...."
I just don't understand, they decided they don't have enough business...yet they are 15 min down the road from us and we are going out of business, and have been sending all of our customers to them. My boss was planning on offering them our customer list (8000 or so)
Are they just not paying attention? Do they just not want anymore business? There is not another frame shop within 20 miles!!
I don't know what I am going to do now......I just want to scream!!
Well...crap I don't know what else to say....If I don't get a job quick we will be very hungry and living in our tent!! oh crap.....I am sorry getting upset now...I hear Mcdonalds is hiring.