Looking for two Steve Hanks prints

Angie Pearson CPF

MGF, Master Grumble Framer
In Memorium
Rest In Peace

Gone but not forgotten
Mar 4, 2005
Poplar Bluff, MO
Do any of you have either of these prints in your store?
Title: To Behold
By: Steve Han

Title:In Mothers Arms
By: Steve Hanks

I just think these are so georgous. My husband asked me what I wanted for my Birthday the other day and I had no clue until I saw these... but of course they are sold out!!! If anyone has them and can give me a deal on them please let me know, or if anyone just has them please let me know so I can think about it. Thanks a bunch
and voyeuristic to boot...

If you order that print from Hadley ask them if his hardcover book is still available. If you like his watercolors you will love the book that Hadley published some years ago which showed alot of studies from his startup years on through to the mid or late '90's, whenever the book was published.

Wally- that's an interesting word... what does it mean

Framerguy- Thanks a bunch!! I would love to have one of his books because I intend on learning from him. I want to paint as realistically with watercolor as he does, he is so good!!!

Fourcorners-yes please do ask her, that would be great!!! Thanks so much for the help.

Originally posted by Bandsaw:
Both prints are available on ebay.
I know, I tried to get an account on ebay two days ago but It won't let me confirm my registry so... I guess I'm out of luck on that one.
Angie, Angie, Angie...someone watching someone else undetected, usually in a private/ intimate setting. Degas was a master of the "key hole" view of women in various states of undress at their bath, and the technique has been a staple of erotica throughout it's history. Hanks does handle his paint well, and he seems to have mastered the stolen glance. A lot of his subject matter is ripe for the cover of romance novels.