Looking for Software


Grumbler in Training
Aug 10, 2003
Virginia Beach, VA
Hey gang... im a certified framer, but im leaving my current framing position to become a full time art teacher. YEAH! ...anyways, id like to keep doing my own framing for friends and family. but im having a hard time finding affordable or possibly free software that i can use on my PC to set up my mats. i just wanted to find a way to easily get the dimensions and so forth. i dont need it for a business, just personal usage. does anyone have any suggestions?! id really appreciate the advice. THANKS!
Welcome to the Grumble!

There are a couple free options out there. I started compiling a list last week of the various options, and it's up at THIS LINK. Help yourself to the information.

Some other useful links http://www.artfacts.org/ and the Professional Picture Framers Association at http://www.ppfa.com/. PPFA has developed and administers the Certified Picture Framer® (CPF®) program, which is a comprehensive test of conservation knowledge and framing skills. (it covers information from about a dozen books, with a comprehensive 3 1/2 hour test) The Michaels employment certification certificate is a good start, but this will take you to the next level.

Congrats on the new job! Back in the 80s I was an instructor at a local university, and it was one of the most enjoyable jobs of my career. I loved teaching!

You did a great job with your web site. I need to learn flash...

HI daisy,

And welcome to the Grumble.

You might want to check out Ronny Terbeek's website for FrameSmart. It is an easy program to use and has enough functions engaged to give you what you want if you download the demo model from his website.

Good luck.
