Looking for Print


SGF, Supreme Grumble Framer
Feb 19, 2002
Have you seen this? Who is the artist or publisher?
Im sure it was somebody at microsoft. I think its an abstract called "Red X in a Box". Might call Bill Gates. He will know who came up with that.
Ok I am a moron..

I am trying to post the photo. I tried by using the link to my yahoo photo album and that didn't work. I then tried from a link to a different website and that didn't work. What am I doing wrong?

Here is a link to the photo

Tim, the link you posted, in both instances, is for a website, not an image. The address for the image is http://a248.e.akamai.net/f/248/5462/2h/www.tmsprout.com/images/bw0yx13y.jpg
which you can get by right-clicking on the image itself, then on "properties." Cut and paste the URL address for the image into your post.

That image URL will usually have an extension of .jpg or .gif.

Having trouble posting photos doesn't make you a moron any more than the ability to post photos makes you a genius.

Hey, where IS Emibub, anyway?
Thanks Ron, Let's try this again......

Does anyone know who the artist, title, or publisher of this print?

Hey it works...I learned something new today.
I recognize the frame. Does that count?

Uh, oh, Ron is asking about Emibub's location...something is wrong with this picture.

She's in Aurora, Colorado, Ron. It's a suburb of Denver.

She's trying to concentrate on work instead of hanging around here.

Okay, now back to "who can name the print?"

Sorry, I just couldn't resist.
Hmmm . . . Janet sees a Lava Lamp. I see a lighthouse during a rare flash food in Bryce Canyon, Utah.

I'm sure Tim is gratified at how helpful we are.
Janet sees a Lava Lamp...
Ron sees a lighthouse in Utah...
I see the Appetizer menu, just below the Lava Lamphouse. Now I must have chicken!

Sorry, also. Couldn't resist, and am no help either.
Thank you Barb, it is framed upside down.

Charles, the buffalo chicken fingers in this bar are very good. I may have to stop there tonight andf have some.

Thanks for the help, and I see a light house, an upside down lighthouse.
Barb's SMART for a blond, and pretty, too! (I think the 'blond' thing is part of her strategy to take over the framing industry...)
Originally posted by CharlesL:
Barb's SMART for a blond, and pretty, too! (I think the 'blond' thing is part of her strategy to take over the framing industry...)
Yeah, that's it--it's an act just to fool people and then when their guard it down...uh....I'll make my move!! Or something.

(Thanks for the compliment

I'd seen the image, it just had to sit in my mind for awhile before I remembered where.
You could say it rang a "fog horn". :rolleyes:

BTW--when does that bad joke contest start?