I'm trying obtain some usable information on the Eclipse-pro and con. I'm on the fence currently between the Fletcher and Eclipse. The archives are very thin. I know where the Fletcher owners stand, definitely sold on the machine. If I am leaning any particular way, it's toward the Fletcher. You may remember from other posts I am a Mat Maestro owner. The fact that Fletcher has been around forever and is focused in the framing industry gives them an edge. Eclipse on the other hand is a division of another company which makes it's existence slightly more at risk.
Anyway you Eclipse owners (if there are any on the G) can e-mail me at;
Jim Svetlecic-State of the Art
Thanks in advance for any replies.
[This message has been edited by Croatcat (edited July 30, 2001).]
Anyway you Eclipse owners (if there are any on the G) can e-mail me at;
Jim Svetlecic-State of the Art
Thanks in advance for any replies.
[This message has been edited by Croatcat (edited July 30, 2001).]