looking for ATG gun and framing gun


True Grumbler
Aug 29, 2004
Looking for atg and frame gun in good shape...anybody got extras for sale? Or suggestions where I might find one? Also interested in engraving machine for plaques. Thanks!
New and used framing equipment. Buy, sell, trade. Buyers: save from 30% to 70% on all types of used and reconditioned equipment. Lowest prices on new equipment too. All equipment warranteed. Turn unwanted equipment into cash. We buy good used equipment. Call A-Frame Framing Equipment “The Framer’s Friend.” Call 800-864-2688 or visit www.framingequipment.com.
$20 some bucks at www.framingsupplies.com
Deaconsbench's link wont work for me (take out the period at the end).

I have a framing buddy who lays the tape down with his hands and peels up the backing. I asked him why no gun and he says it is faster that way!

I have a used engraving machine - older style called an engravograph and some supplies. I have the manuals, but no specific training on the machine - the manual looks pretty specific. A friend of mine went out of the business and I took over the equipment. I also have the material cutter, beveler, extra bits, etc. Email me privately if you are interested. This stuff is collecting dust and I would like to move it out.

I have a brand new in-the-box Scotch ATG700 Adhesive Applicator gun which retailed several years ago for $ 89.95. I'd sell it for $ 50.00 including shipping in the US. It has it's instruction book and all included.

Dave Makielski