Looking for an Email Provider


CGF II, Certified Grumble Framer Level 2
Dec 14, 2004
Big Rapids, Michigan
Hello -

We just moved and lost our old internet provider and email account.

In order to not have to change email providers again should we move, I am wondering about verious email providers.

I am not excited about HotMail and Yahoo has sooo many ads. Used to use earthlink - they are ok but my new SBC phone system package (how I hate those packages) has internet provided through Yahoo in the deal - see above re ads. So I am looking for a stand alone email provider.

So I thought I would ask what providers have Grumblers used and liked?

Thanks for the input.

Hello Jeanne

I suggest using your own shop's website domain, if you own your shop, because that will go with you.

If you mean a standalone, I tend to avoid the ones provided by internet providers (Cox, Verizon, Charter, etc) because they are huge spam targets. GMAIL, from GOOGLE has been fantastic. I have been using it for almost 2 years now. No spam at all.

For example I own computerservices.bz
My email Steven@ComputerServices.bz and it goes with me no matter what ISP I use etc.

Go to GoDaddy, find a domain you like and sign up. They are running free email specials right now. That will give you an account you own.
Another vote for Gmail by Google. Impressive spam filter. If the guys above run out of alloted invitations, I have 100 I'd be glad to give.

I have 5 different email accounts - Gmail, Yahoo, (2) MSN (hotmail), Knology - they each serve specific purposes.
No Spam with Gmail?
I get tons of spam with it. Most of it goes into the bulk folder but once in awhile something sneaks through to the main box and I rarely use that account.

I also have a Yahoo account and a netscape account.
They all work and as Deaconsbench said, they all serve a purpose.
Another advantage of gmail is that it supports pop3 format, so you can use it with a regular email client such as Outlook/Outlook Express/Thunderbird/Netscape.

This means that you're not stuck using a web based email reader. By using a regular email client, your antivirus program will be more effective at stopping infections.

If you are even remotely considering creating your own web site (no matter how far down the road), consider registering a domain and get your own independent ISP. I have been using One-on-One Internet for several years.

Most ISPs offer hugh amounts of storage (I have 300 megs), 100 e-mail accounts (only use six) and have available much better spam blockers than ISPs like Earthlink. With many good providers, you get a ton of features.

I am only paying $14.95/ month for mine (less than the 21 bucks I still pay for Earthlink).

If you do get your own registered domain and ISP, you will always be able to have your email “JBergelin@Bergelinswonderfulpictureframingandstormdoorcompany.com”

Check out this site to get reviews and comparisons of thousands of ISPs.
I have service via GODADDY... pretty darn good folks...lots of services, pretty inexpensive... large storage..check em out