looking for a shop w/ cmc in MA


Jan 24, 2003
Is there a shop relativley close to Holyoke, MA with a CMC that is interested in cutting a tricky mat for a fellow framer?
We recently took in an order that is just too difficult to attempt maually and we would love to farm the mat portion out.
Hi Michelle, welcome to the G!

As you can see from my post, I am in Worcester. A little ride, but I'd be willing to help you out. Give me a call if youdon't find anyone closer.

UPS, FedEx, DHL all go everywhere. Larson SAYS that it is offering or will be offering the same mat service that it is offering to JoAnns. But then.....

Is it a tricky corner or multi or what....?

There are many who have CMCs who would cut the thing and ship to you. Heck, tell me what you want and maybe I'll just do it by hand.....
I've done worse in this life.
I think Emibub has a CMC and he's close.....

As long as we're picking on Baer . . .

SHE'S in Colorado (close by cosmic standards, I guess) and I don't think she has a CMC.

Otherwise, it's a fabulous idea. :D
I was really looking to avoid shipping...it's a pretty good size mat, in fact I think it might be oversize.
Basically the customer has a holographic poster that has some damage (wrinkles and creases) and they want the mat to cover the damage. Its hard to explain in a post but its not just your run of the mill multi.
I have cut many a tricky mat and this one just seems like a nightmare.
Vernon ct with a wizard....

send an email if it works for you...
I was really looking to avoid shipping...it's a pretty good size mat, in fact I think it might be oversize.
Basically the customer has a holographic poster that has some damage (wrinkles and creases) and they want the mat to cover the damage. Its hard to explain in a post but its not just your run of the mill multi.
I have cut many a tricky mat and this one just seems like a nightmare.
Ok, obviously, an hour to Worcester is too far for you to drive. Pam DeSimone just sold her shop to Mike Pluta who now owns the Frame Corner Gallery in East Longmeadow. They have a CMC. Call and see what they'd charge. Also, talk to your Don Mar rep. (This is assuming you have truck delivery with them.) They have a similar service associated with Sara Graphics.

A double post with a nine-minute separation!

Is that like twins a month apart?

There's gotta be a CMC in Holyoke.
Holyoke is very close to East Longmeadow, but I don't know if we can be of much help. I'm getting the sense that this mat will require use of the CADD program, which my father knows how to use, but he is not an employee of the store. He might be able to work out the design, but how much can you afford to pay? Working in CADD is time-consuming. Yesterday was my last day. I will only be working one day a week. I'm not scheduled to go in until 7/10. Mike only knows the very basics in using the machine. Even if the mat doesn't require the use of the CADD program, I doubt he has the ability to work out a complicated design at this time. Let me know a little bit more about the design, and I'll see what I can do.
Sara Graphics, a division of Don Mar Frame and Moulding (Seekonk, MA - 800-321-7272), will do custom multi-opening and/ or oversized mats for you. Call Sara Graphics and ask for Joyce.

The nice thing about Sara Graphics is that they will plunk it on the DonMar delivery truck … no shipping charge … that is, if you have an account with DonMar.

Oh, I guess Cliff beat me to it. Sorry, Cliff!
<font size=0> ... but, at least I gave 'em the phone number ... nyah, nyah!</font>
I've used Sara Graphics for this service. It worked out great!
Michael De Marco would probably be your rep. at Don Mar.

Keep in mind, Don Mar and, I assume, Sara Graphics are closed next week for vacation...July 5-9...re-open July 12.
Thanks every one for your suggestions. I had totally forgotten about Don Mar offering cmc service. My rep had mentioned it. That will probably be the best option. Fortunatley, the customer is in no rush and has been warned the job will be pricey so I have time and a budget on my side.
Thanks Again!