Looking for a foot cutter


Grumbler in Training
Apr 29, 2005
I live in the Minneapolis area and am looking for a used foot cutter. I would be interested in a used Pistorius foot chopper or a Morso chopper. Any one know of one for sale I'd appreciate any feedback. Thanks.
Why would you want to cut your foot?

Look in the commercial post area of the grumble.

I bought a really nice new one very reasonably from framingequipment.com. With a spare set of blades and shipping I think it was under 1500.00
They sell new and used equipment.

Good luck and Welcome To The Grumble.
(Sorry about my opening comment I just had to)
Geez Jb, don't appologize... I was thinking the same thing.... :D

Only, I was gonna go out, take a picture of my rusty axe, and post it.

I've worked on Morso and Jyden.... really like the new chopper out that is black and yellow...
Name is slipping right past me.

The chips vent out the side.... very sanitary thinking. And i think they were about $1,500 +/-.
What is a CTD chopper and do you have a picture of it? I am REALLY new to this stuff, so I appreciate your help and EVERYONE's sense of humor!!
A sharp utility and a can of unseal will do in a pinch.

I prefer a P-O-D-I-A-T-R-I-S-T.
You're sick Rick. Very very very sic, don't change. It's why we like you so much. :D

When and if she finally finds, and buys one, do we get to start calling her Chopper Connie?
Connie Chop Chop
Or Connie Footless
Or Connie foot
Or Connie 5 toes
Ok, ok, ok. I still have all my fingers and toes, and now I have a chopper. Found one here in my home town. Call me Chopper Connie if you like, it kinda sounds like a biker babe!! Thanks for the title.