Looking for a fillet


PFG, Picture Framing God
Nov 2, 2001
Centennial, CO, USA
I have an out of stock situation and have no idea when this fillet is coming back in stock. It is a gold fillet rounded and fairly small. There is a lot of red showing through. The fillet was made by Southern but apparently no longer available. Does anybody have anything similar that I am describing? Just figures, it is needed for Christmas.
using Larson? They've got tons of small gold fillets with a little red showing thru. Esp. the ones for the gold leaf lines. Check 'em out or call your rep.

Or is it fill-ay?
Wow, I was just starting a thread on finding a fillet and then it occurred to me I already had. I totally forgot and never even checked back. Thanks for the leads guys this is a start.