Looking for a Double Miter Saw

Jim Miller

SPFG, Supreme Picture Framing God
Forum Donor
Founding Member
Nov 5, 1997
Suburban Central Ohio
My ideal:

Gently used & carefully maintained CTD, Pistorius, or other pro-grade 12" double miter saw, 230/1/60, foot-operated, with combination blades (cut both aluminum & wood), with compact, quiet dust collector.

Under $3,000 delivered. Am I dreaming?

Big job coming up. Hurry.
Defintely in my dreams. I do not even know what 230/1/60 means. Just like watching what everyone else is up to. Good Luck with your job.


It is either 230 volts, single phase, 60 cycle or Jim is trying to figure out how many minutes are in 230 hours using a compound fraction.

I'd say dreaming...
It's been a while but I don't recall ever seeing one under $3500 (FOB wherever, and no, we don't have the original crate it came in), and I think that was a 10" model. Of course they will all be "like new" :D

Good luck in your search.
Hey Jim
Me too If you find one or maybe two let me know. Maybe we can go to Atlanta and buy two we can get a deal?
OK, let's get down to brass tacks here! How many framers reading this post are seriously wanting to buy a new double miter saw??

Jim, if you get 5 people who ARE serious, I'll bet that you could cut a sweet deal at the Expo on 5 or more of whatever brand of saw you could agree on.

The Achilles heel in this plan would be agreeing on the same make of saw, I suppose. But, for a savings of possibly hundreds of dollars, it wouldn't take a rocket scientist to figure out wht to do.

Sorry, but I'm not looking for a new double miter saw. I'm looking for a good used one. And I think I've found it -- a 1974 Pistorius 12". No dust collector, but we can't have everything, right?

If I were in the market for a new one, it would absolutely, positively be a Ledsome. Gearold Ledsome is at all the shows with his saws. At $6,000+, they are the neatest, cleanest designs I've ever seen. And his dust-collectors, built right in, are whisper quiet.
I have not heard of this brand but with a 5 1/2" capacity on the 12" model and a fully enclosed chop area that is lit along with production stops and the choice of Pneumatic or mechanical, and all this for $2995.00, I am going to check into it myself! (Take a breath FG)

I hope the company is at Atlanta this September. I don't have the list of vendors at home so I don't know if they are on the list or not. But it sounds like that machine is worth checking into.

And free freight in the bargain!!!

Jim & Framerguy -
I was wrong about the price - it's not $2995.00

It's $2,475.00 & free shipping anywhere in the continental USA - What a deal!

See page 138 in this month's "Decor"

We won't be able to make the Atlanta show - but maybe another Grumbler can report back on the quality of this double-mitre saw (booth #737)
Yup, Mike, I am looking at the ad right now. I will be sure to check them out in Atlanta and I will report back on what I found. That just sounds almost too good to be right. The shipping on that large a machine must be a killer in itself.

BTW, I was born and raised in Dauphin county just south of you and my dad used Clearfield Taxidermy for all of his tanning jobs when he was alive. He was a great outdoorsman we hunted your area every winter when I was a wee lad.
