Looking for 48x72 oversize mat 4-ply distributor


True Grumbler
May 28, 2002
Fountain Valley
Do you know I can purchase 48x72 oversize black mat 4-ply matboards. We are in Southern California. If possible, I would like it to be local. If not then delivery would be fine.
So buy a white mat and paint it with black gesso... shouldn't warp the matboard and the back will still be archival.

Anyhow - that's what I'd do!
Framer, Where do I buy black gesso and what is it. I know it is paint but is this a paint like you paint a house. I am not familiar with painting on matboards.
I would suggest that you get your 48x72 white mat and then wrap it in a black fabric. A fine grained black silk would look much nicer than painting it black. Granted more expensive but nicer just the same.

Gesso is a artists primer for canvas. It traditionaly is very chalky and sands smooth easily. You can get it at any good art supply stores. And some bad ones too. Black is not always available at the bad ones though.