SPFG, Supreme Picture Framing God
Let's all stop bashing LaMarche and wish them the best of luck pulling things together. When I received their new catalog I drooled and remembered why I loved their mouldings so much. They obviously are committed to our industry as that catalog was not cheap to produce or send out...probably cost far more than most of our businesses are worth. I don't have any inside track on why there are problems or how soon they could be rectified, but I, for one, wish them the best. Losing them would be a sad blow for independent framers and the entire industry.
Did you know you can go to their web page and check availability on-line?
You must have an account and register with them to access this info. If there is an expected delivery date for an out-of-stock, it'll show under both the availability and check stock buttons.
I too took my samples off the wall in frustration, but am now adding them back in and look forward to using some old friends (mouldings and people) again. LaMarche has always been known for quality...let's support them wherever we can as we should any manufacturer in the industry. Fewer suppliers are a symptom of an ailing industry.
Dave Makielski
PS I know I'm getting old when leafing through their catalog is more exciting than looking through a Playboy.
Did you know you can go to their web page and check availability on-line?
You must have an account and register with them to access this info. If there is an expected delivery date for an out-of-stock, it'll show under both the availability and check stock buttons.
I too took my samples off the wall in frustration, but am now adding them back in and look forward to using some old friends (mouldings and people) again. LaMarche has always been known for quality...let's support them wherever we can as we should any manufacturer in the industry. Fewer suppliers are a symptom of an ailing industry.
Dave Makielski
PS I know I'm getting old when leafing through their catalog is more exciting than looking through a Playboy.