Logan Matcutter blades and where to buy!?!


SGF, Supreme Grumble Framer
Jun 13, 2002
Fingerlakes Region of NYS
I am a bit upset. I have been having trouble with over/undercuts - but just recently! So, I try my adjustments in the owners manual... and it only helps a bit.

I call Logan direct. They ask key questions and then ask what blades I am using. I say "Logan Style.... blah blah blah" and she says they recommend Logan brand. Okay. It seems this problem started when I got my new box of "fake" blades....

But she also suggests I go online to the website to see where I can buy them.

Guess what... all the stores listed are retail and most are our favorite BIG BOXES. Hello, Logan. Don't you distribute to frame distributors?!!

So I call back and I am told that M&M carries them, but UMS and LJ don't, along with my local distributor... Now to correct this I will have to wait for a shipment from M&M before it will be corrected?

Any suggestions or cures!!???


Hi Roz,

I used to have a Logan 750 simplex cutter and have a few extra "Logan" blades here. I'd be happy to put them in today's mail to you if you send me your address offline. They would be a small bandaid until you can get a regular supply.

Also, I purchased them from United. The catalog I have still shows them on p. 129. Item no. 3752 at a cost of $7.75 per hundred. That's the .012 blade thickness.

Good luck.
Amy McCray
Thanks Amy for your help on this!!

But can someone explain something about the following:

I have looked at the Logan-style versus the Logan brand and there is a difference... the hole in the blade is not centered at all on the fake blades.... but is that where the screw holds the blade in place?? I can compensate if they are all the same but when you turn them around to use the other end.... EEEEE... talk about having to do double math with double the chance of error - Measure twice cut once could become measure 4 times cut 3 times!!

Thanks, Rattled Roz

Thanks - I will keep that on file for future use.. Looks like a nice company.

And, Amy - I received the blades - thank you - unfortunately they are not the correct size... so I will still have to wait for the M&M delivery. Thanks so much for your efforts though!
