Logan mat cutter squaring arms

Feb 7, 2002
Collierville, TN
I am considering purchasing a Logan 750 mat cutter.

Is the squaring arm permanently mounted? Can it be folded up or removed when not in use?

The squaring arm may limit where I can put it.

Also, if anyone owns this model, do I really need
the squaring arm?

I intend to use this occassionally as a hobby, framing for friends and family.
Yes the squaring arm can be removed fairly easily. A small alignment tool is provided to make re-alignment prescise. It woul seem a hassel to do it if there is any way you can keep it assembled I would try to do so and find a safe place to store it. The arm is necessary to making a good square cut. Other options might be a T-square and a freehand mat cutter, you could get both for less than $50. Good luck. Mark