Locking Shadowbox


CGF II, Certified Grumble Framer Level 2
Nov 8, 2005
Lawrenceville, GA
I'm working on a design for a locking shadow box but can't find a source for the right kind of lock. It will be a stacked moulding with a flat profile shadowbox and a regular top moulding (Thanks FramerDave). The top moulding will be hinged along the top edge of the box and the lock needs to be under the bottom edge and out of view. Anybody know of a lock type that might work. I've perused Lee Valley Tools but can't find one that will work. Any ideas are appreciated.
You might be able to modify a cylindrical cabinet lock, the kind where the latch rotates into position, into an internal hasp style. It really depends on how much space you have to work in.

I have been in and out of specialty cabnetry for about 30 years and the biggest problems I faced were those trying to find the hardware after the piece was designed. You might have some luck with vintage reproduction cabinet locks. Check out Restoration Hardware.
What about a simple gravity pin lock...

Cut a channel for a pin that will slide down with gravity. Near the bottom this channel is a metal finger with a hole that corresponds with the sliding pin. With the frame on the wall... it is locked. When the frame is taken off the wall, layed flat on a table and tilted slightly up from the bottom, the pin will release the internal metal finger (clasp).

This channel can be made by drilling hole(s) before you join the frame through the length at one or each end of the vertical rails.
I like that idea Jerome but the customer wants to be able to acess the contents while the piece is hanging.

Thanks Anyway!
Does the lock truly have to be invisible?

I made a shadowbox to display a working black-powder pistol and got a small brass hasp (and hinges) from a craft store. The customer was pleased and used his own small lock; after all locks are for honest people.
Have you looked at Van Dykes Restorers?
They can be challended in some areas, but they might have locks and matching hinges?
Good luck!