LJ on the Apprentice


SGF, Supreme Grumble Framer
Feb 19, 2002
Watching the Apprentice tonight and noticed at the end of the show when the credits were flying by that Larson Juhl was on the screen for a second. Replayed and watched in slow motion and they are listed as a company that provided product and services. Has anyone noticed LJ frame on the walls? It didn't look like any LJ frames in Trumps home, they all looked to be solid gold, not leafed

Tana is from here in Des Moines...down to the final 3
Have friends capture scenes for me that have clear shots of framed art on walls...

Trump has what appears to be Munn and some originals or good copies of late Mannerist rectilinears. I know he also has a Ben Baruda.

Martha is VERY funny. But she does go on so about her love for "Tag sales"....

It's the Target "art & frames" that crack me up. But best was once as she was going through the Turkey Farm or what ever she calls it; there was a 11x14 frame on the wall with a "Picture" in it . . . the picture even had the Burns of Boston sticker on the glass.... $12 and stick it on the wall, instant family...RFLOL.
I also saw they visited a MICHAELS during the show, and showed the "50% off Full Framing Order" banner briefly.
looks like the kensington line of LJ
It could have been the wall in the suite that has framed pictures of all of the fired people. I think it was right at the beginning as they were waiting on Alex to come back in from the boardroom.
I can't believe I just caught a glimpse of it and was trying to figure out the connection...

Obvious that we grumblers don't miss a trick!!
Originally posted by Jana:
Yikes, those pictures need mats. :eek:
They didn't have any to spare... they sent them all to J'annes... :D

They need glass too.

The moulding looks nice... for Garrett and Picturewoods knock-offs. :D
Had to be the grouping of photos at the beginning of the show where ominously Alex was the only one who hadn't been fired........I only got a fleeting glance of those. I'm not crazy about any of the people left, doesn't matter who wins. In fact, I can't remember one person who is gone that I would have rooted for. Great drama this year but no real substantive people like the first year.
Page 30 of May Decor has a blurb (and pic) of it.
I've seen larson frames on tv every where... I think Tony Soprano has a mirror with a larson frame in his bathroom. My husband thought I was crazy when I pointed at the tv saying "look it's a larson frame in Tony's bathroom!" I guess I would have reacted the same if he'd done that :rolleyes: .