Don't get me wrong here, as i said in my first post I don't know anything about your business. If you have been in business for 20+ years then you must be doing something right.
There are ways that you could come out ahead by buying a 10 foot stick or a chop instead of the box but it all depends on your business. Things like how many jobs you do, how many frame choices you offer, what you pay for delivery, what your cash flow is, how often you turn your inventory, what your fixed and variable costs in business are, how much space you have, what your rent is per square foot, and many other things.
Now, you say that your business is in a residential area, is it home based? If so feel very lucky that LJ talked to you because they do not sell to home based framers. If not then I would recomend dealing with them because they are a good company. Don't expect them to bend over backwards right away on pricing because you are new and we all know about our customers that promise us volume. Also bashing them on the Grumble before you start doing business with them isn't goign to help your cause either, they read this forum all of the time.
( How are you liking the new job Steve H? )