I just got finished with the framing for a guitar. It’s a shadowbox moulding with a extender under it. I’m going to back it with plywood. Does anybody have any suggestion on how to line it? It going to be hinged and I think I’m only going to line the extender and the plywood with material. I would like to have a thin batting under it to make it cushy. When the case is open you will see the edge of the “upholstery”. The edge of my material has to be “clean”. Also the interior will be handled a bit so it needs to be strong (mats and foamcore won’t work). I was thinking about wrapping ¼ plywood with batting and fabric and attaching on the back. But how do I attach that inside the shadow box? Oh well if I’m going about this all wrong just tell me to quit being stupid and redirect me. Thanks friends.