Richard Lagroon
Grumbler in Training
I need some help with print sources. I'm basically a self-taught framer with no prior experience in the art/framing business. I started my business about two years ago after having lost my job in the technology industry. Things have gone fairly well, but up to this point I have done framing only. I'm ready to expand into print sales, but without prior experience in the industry, I don't know the best sources for art. I have a Lieberman's CD, which is great, but I'm looking for sources of limited edition prints. I'm assuming that most artists don't do their own distributing. I'm located in Columbia, South Carolina and would initially concentrate on artists in the southeast. Also, if there is a business owner in South Carolina or eastern Georgia that would be willing to spend a few hours with me as a business mentor, I would greatly appreciate it. If so, please contact me via email