
CGF II, Certified Grumble Framer Level 2
Jun 15, 1999
Winter Park, Florida
As I mentioned in another thread I jsut upgrade to windows XP but now I dont have any light bulbs on the grumble. Did I change something or did the grumble??

Have you already installed all the latest security fixes and the newest web browser? If not, click on START -> WINDOWS UPDATE (Blue globe) and it will go through the process automatically.

If you have gone through this (may take a few tries to get them all) and still have the problem, we can take the next step.


PS: Some of the bug fixes are EXTREMELY important, and close ports that will receive random attacks.

[ 02-03-2004, 10:39 AM: Message edited by: Mike-L@GTP ]
There must be another setting that wcox missed in his XP setup. I get automatic updates to XP in my system tray whenever new ones come out. I get a little popup window at the bottom of my screen that informs me when these updates are downloaded and ready to install on my hard drive.

That works for small updates and critical (security) related issues, but not the big ones such as web browser upgrades.

I access the Grumble from several XP problems and don't have the problem (although I do have it on a single WIN98SE machine for some reason).
Mike, I just tried to access windows update and just got a blank page and the tool bar says says done.
Also can't get into LJ direct now.

LJ DIRECT is working now. I guess they were down. But still no light bulbs on here and no page on Microsoft Windows Update.
How odd. Microsoft is the target of an attack today, so this could be a partial factor.

Does this link work?

Suggestion 1:
Make sure your antivirus definition file is current.
Make sure there are no third party ad blocking programs or accelerators running.
Run ad-aware to make sure you are clean from hijacks, adware, and spyware.
Reboot the computer and try again.

Suggestion 2:
Check your IE security settings:
2. Make sure that "File Download" is enabled.
3. Make sure that "Run Active X controls and plug-ins" is enabled.
4. Make sure that "Active Scripting" is enabled.
5. Set your Java Permissions to "Medium safety."
6. Make sure that "Launching applications and files in an IFRAME" is enabled.

Suggestion 3:
If it still isn't resolved, you can try the following:
1. Open IE, Click TOOLS -> Internet Options -> Connections -> LAN SETTINGS
2. Delete anything in the Automatic Configure text box and clear the "Use automatic configuration script" check box.

Suggestion 4:
The hosts file or windows update shortcut might be corrupt. Let's try the others above first.

Suggestion 5:
Throw it out the window and see how many times it'll bounce. :eek: (please skip this step)

Let us know if any of the above fixes the problem.


Tried everything you suggested. Nothing changed, Finnaly after 1 1/2 hours on hold I got help from Microsoft. Had to do with something about enable java scirpt and now it is working. Still other small problems not yet fixed.