Lifesaver Software


Apr 28, 2005
Jenkintown, PA
Is there anyone out there as frustrated as I am with this software and these guys!?!?!? We are a custom / DIY shop trying to integrate Lifesaver into the buisness with nothing but problems. It's one thing after another! The main problem stems from us trying to set it up so we can sell what we stock in length at length price and chops at chop price. Granted, the program is not set up to do this, but we thought we figured it out. We added bin numbers to our length mldgs, put "FW" (forFramers'Workroom)in front of the vendor numbers, and altered the price to out liking. We were led to believe (by Lifesaver people)that this was a do-able. LO, we (and they)were wrong, as a good third (out of 365 mldgs!)of what we did was wiped out at the last online update. Some items were simply changed - the "FW" dissapered...but in most of them the bin # was erased and our price changed!
Now they have yet another "solution" for us but I have no faith in them - or the program. This is not the only issue we've had - just the biggest, most pain in the *** one. Any advice is appreciated. OF if someone can reccomend another program that might work for us... Thanks so much for the opportunity to vent!
Hi Kirsten,

It's always challenging to take on something new, especially when trying to run a business. We have had the exact opposite experience with the company, and I'm sure you'll agree once you've worked through the learning and price tweaking for your new setup. We have used it for 3 years at our shop, and as a computer consultant I have been supporting several Lifesaver equipped shops for almost 8 years. The only problems have been the computers wearing out.

The system will let you stack up to 5 mouldings for a single frame order, in any combination of CHOP or LENGTH. Chop and length prices are calculated automatically from cost, depending on the formulas(or fixed price) you set for each.

We price everything at chop. If we were able to buy it smarter, by the box, the savings are a benefit in our pocket. If we discount it, we do so off the retail/chop price at the ticket level.

The system produces a "pick list" and the ordering person goes down the list to see what is in stock and what has to be ordered. (mats, glass, moulding, etc)

We also maintain a small list of items that have been discontinued, which we call "Sale Savers". "SaleSave" is the company name, and they have unique (manually entered) numbers SS0001, SS0002, etc

I know you said you were trying to make it do something it may not have been designed for, but i'm not clear about the details. Can you be more specific? If you are using the BIN field, there's an option in CONFIGURE for "do not update bin pricing", which will tell it to ignore those items.

Please keep us posted and feel free to ask if you have questions. You've tapped into a great resource here, because a lot of Grumblers use the product.

Let me be among the first to welcome you to the Grumble!

co moderator/guide and resident computer geek
Thanks for the responses - and the welcome! Mike, you brought up some good things. First we did check off "do not update bin pricing" but that did nothing. A third of our bin numbers were mysteriously deleted, and the priced altered. We have proof that we set the data base up correst because we printed out the mldg data base by bin number and all was in order. That was in February. We've done one or two updates since. Why have a feature their software that doesn't work? Secondly, we were told by a lifesaver tech that we could only set the system to do one or the other - chop or length pricing but not both. (this was just two days ago) We were told to reenter the bin #'s and change the chop price to reflect our desired length price for each individual mldg. OR we could create a database making oursleves a company with made up vendor numbers, prices, etc. and have the lifesaver tech install it into the program.
Also, in response to Jerome, we do backup everynight, but we shouldn't have to constantly recreate what we want. We are the customer in this case. We pay for the software and it should work properly, and / or they should be able to assist us in making it work for us. Thanks again mike, I look forward to your reply.

Hello again. I think I understand your question, and have a likely solution.

...that we could only set the system to do one or the other - chop or length pricing but not both.
I think I can clear up the confusion. Lifesaver can do either chop or join as the "default".(per vendor) You can override this in the ticket screen by clicking on the number just to the left of the moulding id's. ie: 1:, 2:, 3:, 4:, or 5: (you can stack up to 5 mouldings in any combo of join and chop) When you click on any of these numbers, you will notice it will "toggle" back and forth between L: and C:, which represent Length and Chop. The price will immediately change to reflect the different formula. If you don't click on it, the "default" setting will be assumed.

My understanding is that you are entering warehouse items manually and using the automatic updates just for ordered items? If so, one option is to set the default to CHOP for everything, and just price your warehouse items appropriately in the chop field. Since you are manually entering them, this is possible. It will save the step of toggling just for those items, and the price will come through as desired. (based on their unique FW* item numbers)

First we did check off "do not update bin pricing" but that did nothing. A third of our bin numbers were mysteriously deleted, and the priced altered.
That prompt should remain checked. I think I know why your prices were refreshed when the vendor revised their database.

The way you are doing this seems like extra work, but it sounds like it will function. The problem most likely lies in a field that was NOT changed. The items you are manually entering will require a bin # and a unique item #, which you are already doing. The third thing that must be changed is the COMPANY. You can make up a company name for this field, such as "FW" or "INSTOCK".

Because the "company" name given for the made up items matched the update - and your item #s were not on file, the system assumed them to be discontinued. By giving your special items a unique company name, they will not be subject to review/adjustment in the future.

If my understanding is correct, this should solve the problem. If that doesn't help, please write again and we will certainly figure it out.

Do you have any other questions?

Have a great weekend
Thanks so much Mike. This has been so much this has been much more helpful than any advice I've ever gotten from Lifesaver. Although we added the unique "FW" we left the company name the same (ie: Larson, York). I think I understand how to make this work, thanks to you very detailed advice. I'll let you know how it goes!
Thanks so much!!!