Is there anyone out there as frustrated as I am with this software and these guys!?!?!? We are a custom / DIY shop trying to integrate Lifesaver into the buisness with nothing but problems. It's one thing after another! The main problem stems from us trying to set it up so we can sell what we stock in length at length price and chops at chop price. Granted, the program is not set up to do this, but we thought we figured it out. We added bin numbers to our length mldgs, put "FW" (forFramers'Workroom)in front of the vendor numbers, and altered the price to out liking. We were led to believe (by Lifesaver people)that this was a do-able. LO, we (and they)were wrong, as a good third (out of 365 mldgs!)of what we did was wiped out at the last online update. Some items were simply changed - the "FW" dissapered...but in most of them the bin # was erased and our price changed!
Now they have yet another "solution" for us but I have no faith in them - or the program. This is not the only issue we've had - just the biggest, most pain in the *** one. Any advice is appreciated. OF if someone can reccomend another program that might work for us... Thanks so much for the opportunity to vent!