We selected it for our shop in Jan 02, when shopping for software. Andy, my business partner, used it for years at his previous employer. (a multi user/networked Lifesaver setup, with multiple shops) Ironically, I was the computer consultant that maintained the network for his previous employer (still am actually). It has run there for years without even a hiccup, other than hardware failures.
I like how everything can be done in a single screen, and how flexible the pricing matrix is. I also love the automatic web pricing updates. Just click and it grabs the new mouldings, mats, prices, etc and puts them into your database. It prints out reports of whats new and what was discontinued.
The program had some small quirky issues, but those were recently addressed. (a bug that could give false financials for people who do a MANUAL pick list in the morning, a system restore (after a crash) bug that could lose the last invoice, etc) I volunteered as a beta tester to help squash these, and they've been VERY receptive to new feature suggestions and problem reports.
Our next experiment will be to get the barcode option and the thermal receipt printer.
Do you already have a POS system?
LifeSaver, and Specialtysoft seem to have most of the market share. Other popular products include Frameready by Softouch, Framesmart, Artisan Storefront, Custom Framer, Ferensoft Trio, Framers Design, Masterpiece, EZ Framer, Fullcalc, Art&Frame. Some folks opt to do it on a spreadsheet, with their own basic formulas to calculate the prices. One thing to consider is the ability to NETWORK multiple computers. This may or may not be a consideration for the future, and can be an issue if you choose a package which is limited to a single PC.
Each of the above offer a free demo that you can request by mail or download from the internet. I suggest trying them all out to see what "fits the bill".
Some are thousands of dollars, some have yearly maintenance fees, others are free.
If you have any questions about LS, don't hesitate to email or call.