LifeSaver POS Software Tips and Tricks

Mike Labbe

Forum Support Team
Forum Donor
Jun 25, 2002
Lincoln, RI
Get The Picture
As framers, we have a lot of things on our plates. Speaking for myself, some things get neglected because i'm comfortable with them and because they work so well. This thread is an opportunity to re-visit pos software, catch up on the newest features, review some old features that we may not be aware of, discuss backup methods, review documentation, and to share tips and tricks.

This thread was started to exchange tips and tricks which specifically relate to this software product, in the positive spirit of the grumble. Everyone is proud of their investment, so I have started one for each of the top 3 products. (others are free to start threads if you have a product not mentioned) Opinions about other products, feature requests, tech support, bug reports, and complaints DO NOT belong in this thread. Such things should be communicated directly to the vendor, through their official support channels. This is about helping each other in a positive way.

How do some of your favorite features work? Are there any tips that may benefit users of the same product?

With that, I turn the floor over to you...

Mike, co-moderator
Computer, POS, & CMC tech tips forum
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LSS Tips and Tricks

These are some of my favorites, which I'm reviewing in a very abbreviated format. (the "cliff notes" version/executive overview) These features are all covered in the documentation, with far greater detail.

Some of these features are relatively new. Those of us who have been using the program for years may not be aware that they were added. (time cards, higher resolution, barcoding improvements, integrated credit card processing, improved scheduling calendar, new ways to price mats, oval frames, and glazing, etc)

Hopefully these will be of use to others. I hope other folks will jump in with some of their tips and tricks too. This list is by no means complete.

Best regards,

Moving between fields on the ticket screen

Most probably know this, but i'll mention it just in case. It is not necessary to click on each field with the mouse.
-TAB KEY: moves forward to the next field.
-SHIFT+TAB: goes back to the previous field.

[ 02-06-2006, 07:50 PM: Message edited by: Mike Labbe @ GTP ]
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Attaching notes or an 'alert' to a customer's record

If you need a reminder set, which will automatically pop up when your customer next comes in, this is possible. ex: A reminder to ask about their relative that was ill, a reminder for staff not to accept personal checks, etc.
From main menu:
-Click FIND to locate the desired customer
-Click MORE INFORMATION to see the free form text box where you can note the account.
-If you wish this info to come on screen on their next visit, click ALERT
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Changing screen resolution to maximize the experience

LifeSaver is optimized for use with a screen resolution setting of 1024x768. To make full use of the screen, this is the setting I suggest. To verify and/or change:
-Exit Lifesaver and close any open programs
-Right click on your Windows wallpaper and select PROPERTIES from the pop up menu.
-(left) click the SETTINGS tab in the Display Properties window.
-Move the SCREEN RESOLUTION slider, if necessary, to "1024 by 768 pixels"
Note: If you have a WIDE SCREEN monitor, you may prefer a setting such as 1280x768
-Click Apply and OK
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What gets backed up daily? Should I do a full backup, too?

In addition to your daily closing backup, it's a good idea to periodically back up the program folder. The daily closing backup copies the Lifesaver data files, but not the programs. If you back up c:\lifesaver\, you will get everything.

While doing a periodic full backup, you may also want to back up any other important files that live on this machine. (MY Documents, QuickBooks, and so on) Having the full backup on hand will save you time and frustration, in the event of a system failure.

I cannot stress the importance of daily backups enough, and not leaving them in the machine. If you use the same zip drive, floppy, or USB key every day and leave it in the machine - what would happen in the event of a loss due to theft, fire, or power/lightning surge? Storing these off-site, and out of the machine, is best when possible.

Personal note: We do daily data backups as part of the closing, and a full backup once per week.
How to add a restricted access account for an employee

Within LifeSaver, you can give the employee their own sign on ID which has its own access/security rules.

From the main menu:
-From this screen you can set up a new user ID and password, and can check off which permissions they are allowed. (which reports they can run, etc) You can also "cheat" and click "employee" which will pre-configure it for the most common set of permissions. That may be good as a starting point.
How to set up automatic email notification when clients orders are ready

If your shop is marking jobs "done" in LifeSaver, and you have an internet connection, it is possible for the system to automatically email your clients when their order is ready. The message it sends can be personalized with your shop name and information, as well as the ticket names and amount due. For this to work, you must have an email address on file for the customer, with "auto email" selected.

One time setup instructions:

From the main menu:
-Enter your email address
-Enter the name you wish to display in the "FROM" field
-Enter the outgoing mail server (smtp) name, as assigned by your ISP. Hint, if you don't know, check your Outlook email settings or call the ISP. From Outlook, go to TOOLS -> ACCOUNTS -> VIEW -> OUTGOING SERVER
-If your ISP requires authentication, you can enter this info in the next two fields. Most should leave these blank
-Check the box if you would like to receive a copy as well.
-Click SAVE

Customize the Email template

From the main menu:
-Edit as desired. Variables will automatically insert their first name, the workorder(s) ready, and the amount due.
-Click the "X" on the top right corner when finished
-Click SAVE

Add auto emails as part of your daily closing routine

From the main menu:
-Check "email workorder notices" ON
-Click SAVE

Instant email from the CALENDAR screen

From the CALENDAR:
-Right click the customer name from the ASSEMBLED list
-Select EMAIL
-The notification will transmit instantly, rather than at the end of the day.
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Great tips. Two questions (for now).

How can I get Frequent Framer Cards installed? An "unavailable" message is given when this is selected in the Customer section.

Is there a way to set up mat pricing like the glazing with a specific price rather than a percentage markup?

(OK. Three questions.)

Is there a way to designate an automatic fitting charge by UI. I am having to enter this charge on each ticket?
Put your fitting in with LABOR when you are selling a frame. Put other fittings, such as changing out a photo which doesn't require frame labor, in the SPECIAL field.
How can I get Frequent Framer Cards installed? An "unavailable" message is given when this is selected in the Customer section.
That comes as part of the barcode module. I'll post details as a tip shortly. I'm typing up another batch now.

Is there a way to set up mat pricing like the glazing with a specific price rather than a percentage markup?
Not that i'm aware of. It uses multipliers that price based on the cost of the day times markup, and then size of the mat sold times retail. Perhaps a "lock price" option could be added, to defeat this function - if enough folks want it. I'll forward your idea to the vendor. You may want to email LSS directly for a proper reply.

A new glazing price system was introduced in Vegas, which will be released soon in version 4.26 It allows fixed prices, multiplied prices (from cost), pricing by UI, and pricing by sq ft.

In the specials, we need to a place to add a note for a special, such as color on a PAINT BEVEL special.
This would normally be typed in the free form NOTES field, which will print on the workorder/assy instructions. Last minute notes and layout diagrams can also be noted on the workorder. I'll pass this and the ticket comment suggestion along. You may also wish to contact them directly. I'd like to stay on topic as much as possible in here with tips and tricks.

Ok, here's another batch:
How do I create a materials shopping list (pick list)?

To help with the ordering process, the system can print PICK LISTS. These lists will give information about the mouldings, mats, mounting materials, and glazing you will need for the specified period. Using this list, you can check your in stock inventory before placing your order, and have everything you need to do so. It will sort by vendor, and client.

From the main menu:
-Un-check everything except PICK LIST
-You will be asked for a workorder range to print, and told where and when the last one was done. In most cases this is OK.
-You have 3 options. Check any, or all, that you desire:
--Pick list by customer
--Pick list by vendor
--Moulding pick list by vendor
-Click OK

Personal note: We generally do this once or twice per week, using the steps above. However, some people print them daily as part of their closing report. To enable this as a daily report, go to CLOSING -> PREFERENCES -> Check PICK LIST -> SAVE.

Shortcut: You can also print pick lists directly from the CALENDAR screen (F2 at main menu)
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Can I sell oval frames through the POS?

Sure! Frames from INLINE OVALS can be sold directly through the FRAME-IT screen:
-In the moulding field, enter the vendor and style ID. Ex: IO100
-A special lookup dialogue will come up, asking you to pick the shape, size, and finish.
-Click CONTINUE once you have made your selections.
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How can I customize the DISCLAIMERS that appear on my customer's receipt?

From the main menu:
-Makes any desired changes.
-Click OK
-Click SAVE

Note: You will be prompted to change the Framing Order disclaimer, as well as the special QuickSale disclaimer that prints on the optional narrow receipt printer.
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How does it all tie in with Lieberman's Art Explorer?

If you have the Lieberman's art explorer database installed, LifeSaver will automatically detect it and will enable two new logos:
-In the FRAME-IT screen, you'll see a link to load Liebermans under "INCLUDE ART".
-In the WRITE INVOICE screen, you'll see a new link

To add art:
-Click on the LIEBERMANS link
-Search for the art you wish to add.
-Click SEND TO LIFESAVER and exit the program.
-The description, price, and image size will be imported to LifeSaver automatically.
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How does the credit card processing module work?

The free credit card processing module allows you to accept cards directly through the POS, eliminating the need for a dedicated terminal or phone line. A (USB) card swiper attaches to your keyboard or monitor, and allows you to scan their card directly from the accept payment, quicksale, or framing order screens. It uses your internet connection, instead of the phone line, for nearly instant approval. (usually about 2 seconds) Supported card types are Visa, MC, Discover, Amex, JCB, DC, and ATM/DEBIT. The bank has a very fair rate, no commitment, and no application fee. They also provide the swiper for free.

One value added benefit is that you can swipe their credit card from the main menu, once it has been learned, and will automatically call up the customer's final payment screen when they return.

Personal Note: We have had this since January 3, 2006, and it has been fantastic. We also picked up a high speed thermal receipt printer, so the slips look as they did with our old terminal. If you get a new receipt printer, I suggest one with an auto cutter.

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TIP: Adding your own in-house moulding line as a new vendor

There may be instances where you would like to add your own moulding to the database. For example: Custom stacking combinations, moulding that you bought in bulk, moulding that has been discontinued, moulding that you manufactured, etc.

Adding your own vendor.
This is a one time process

From the main menu:
-In the FULL NAME field, type your shop name. ex: Acme Frame Shop
-In the ABBREVIATION field, give this vendor a brief name. ex: ACME
-In the PREFIX field, type an unused prefix code. ex: ZZ

Adding individual in-house mouldings to your new vendor
Each moulding item can be assigned a unique number, sharing the prefix created above. ex: ZZ100, zz101, etc Once set up, these can be entered in the ticket screen. Please note that the abbreviation selected above must be noted in each record, in the COMPANY NAME field.

From the main menu:
-Type Vendor/Item #. ex: ZZ100
-Enter chop and/or length pricing
-Enter description. Ex: In-House 2" Gold
-When done adding mouldings, click STOP ADD
-Click QUIT

Shortcut: In our shop, we added one called OWN. We use this ID when a customer provides the frame.
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TIP: Setting a default glazing, mounting, freight, or a misc fee

This allows you to define multiple framing types with pre-selected components. It is also possible to define one and set it as your default.

From the main menu:
-Click on FRAME-IT
-Click on FILE
-Give type 1 a name
-Make your selections for type 1 (example Conservation Clear, etc)
-Click OK
-This will come up as the default, each time you open a blank ticket. If you defined multiple types, you'll see these on a new pulldown menu (just above ART CONDITION)
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TIP: Having the POS track commission or bonuses for salespeople

This may be handy for outside sales people, inside, or both. It can assign a percentage, with an optional cap.

Setting up comissioned salespeople:

From the main menu:
-Click on FILE
-Add the initials and full name for the employee.
-Define commission/bonus ranges. ie: $0-$5,000 3%, $5,001-$99,999 2%, etc
-Click ADD to save this employee

Assigning commission

From the framing order screen:
-Include this sales persons initials in the SP: field
-Click the COMMISSION check box, when appropriate
-Proceed as normal, otherwise

Enable the monthly commission report

From the main menu:
-Click on REPORTS
-Click OK to save
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TIP: Using the POS as an employee TIME CLOCK

Many people don't realize, but the POS has a time card facility built in.

To Enable: (one time only)

From the main menu:
-Check the USE TIME CLOCK feature to ON
-Click SAVE

To Define Employees:

From the main menu:
-Click on FILE
-Add the initials and full name for the employee.
-Set any other optional params desired (commission, etc)
-Click ADD to save this employee

To CLOCK IN or CLOCK OUT: (for your staff)

From the main menu:
-Click on ACTIVITY
-Enter employee initials/employee ID (as define above) and click FIND
-Status us shown. Click to clock in or out
-Click EXIT

Supervisors Utilities: (security restricted for manager)

From the main menu:
-Click on ACTIVITY
-You will be prompted with options to report time card activity, changes, Update an entry, add sick time, add vacation time, etc.
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Thanks Mike! I have been going to View Mldg. DB to check the moulding--balloons much faster--yet another great tip from you. Keep 'em coming!

I have run into one glitch, however. When closing/exiting the mldg. database, using the X (in the upper right corner) to close the window causes the program (or my computer) to freeze. The program has to be ended with Ctrl+Alt+Del in order to restart. Pressing Enter on the mldg. choice or using Esc works fine.
I wish there was a faster way to check the prices (Len / chop / join cost, for example) of a moulding while in the Ticket screen.

Right now I enter an extra character at the end of the moulding (say, *), the program will ask me what am I talking about and offer me to browse the file. I say yes, and then I will look it up and go back. PIA!!
Sister: When closing/exiting the mldg. database, using the X (in the upper right corner) to close the window causes the program (or my computer) to freeze.
Does this still happen for you with the current version? (4.29) Let me know. I tried it here and the window closes when I hit enter or X

PaulN: I wish there was a faster way to check the prices (Len / chop / join cost, for example) of a moulding while in the Ticket screen.
There is. Click on the moulding field you want to look up, so the cursor is in that field. Click the VIEW MOULDING button on top of the screen. It will bring up the moulding database, with that record automatically highlighted, to show its costs.

How does FIT TO FRAME work?
If someone comes in with their own frame, a readymade, etc. You put in the art size, mat(s), and frame size and then click FIT TO FRAME. It will auto scale everything to fit.

I'm running out of ideas for tips, but will post again if I can think of any.


PS: Yesterday's new version has something else that's nice. If you use the pulldowns to pick a mounting method, art condition, stretching, or promotion -- it turns the field a brighter color, so it's easily identified.

About the Fit to Frame: That's what I thought it would do. But when I do that nothing happens...

I tried this yesterday where I had this exact situation (customer wanted to re-use a frame).

Once you enter the art size, the finished size is displayed (which not what we want here!). Enter the moulding, border and mat, hit Fit to Frame, nothing happens. OK, I modify the finished size again, hit the button again, nothing! Maybe I missing a step or something.

As for viewing the moulding DB, I just realized it is all way on up the VERY top menu. Thanks!
TIP: Setting a client for an automatic discount

There may be times where specific clients receive a pre-determined automatic discount. (designers, artists, frequent shoppers, family, corporate, etc) It is possible to set this, on a customer level basis, so it will automatically apply to each new order.

From the MAIN MENU:
-Click FIND (or hit control+F)
-Type last name of customer you wish to change. Hit OK
-Enter percentage in DEFAULT DISCOUNT field

All future tickets and quicksales for this customer will receive this discount automatically
Note: This printer is now discontinued and has been replaced with two new models (Star 100 and Star 700 II) which include a utility to make it much easier. I'm leaving this tip here for anyone who still has an original 700, but if are just buying a printer now - please see the more recent TIP that has easier instructions for your model...

TIP: Adding a company logo (or coupon) to your Star 700 series 1 thermal receipt printer

If you are using a Star TSP-743 printer, it's possible to have it print a nice clear logo at the top of every slip (quicksale, framing orders, payments, and even powerpay signature receipts). It's also possible to have it print rotating promotions on the bottom of every slip, if desired. (up to 10 alternating coupons)

Note that this is something I did myself and it is not promoted by or supported by LifeSaver tech support. This feature is a function of the Star printer driver, and is supported by Star directly. This is an advanced tip which will require an understanding of photoshop or an image editing program.

-Your image must be simple black and white, since the printer doesn't do grayscale.
-Your image must be a maximum width of 576 pixels, with no height restriction.
-Your image must be uncompressed (RGB encoded, not RLE encoded), as a monochrome BITMAP.
-See pages 4 and 5 in the STAR ALP utility docs for details and steps for using Windows Paint.
-Save it as 1.bmp

-The logo must be saved in c:\star\-X-\StarRasterLogoData\StartDoc\
Note: This path should already exist, but must be created manually otherwise. Replace -X- with the EXACT NAME of the printer(case sensitive), from the printers folder.

-Find and open your PRINTERS folder in Windows
-Right click on the Star 700 printer icon and pick PROPERTIES
-Click on the LOGO tab
-Hit APPLY and OK
-Try it out by printing a slip to this printer

I hope you find the above info helpful.

To use this for coupons, you can follow the same steps - but place the images 1.bmp, 2.bmp, etc in the EndDoc folder. The driver will need to be told to print SEQUENTIAL images for doc bottom.

Mike Labbe
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Now if it would only itemize the individual charges on the work order. It would make it so much easier to assure that everything was done correctly by our employees... [wishful sigh]
Hey Ellen-Just wait for the next update. I, too, have been asking for the exact same information. I did exactly as Mike suggested and Paul could not have been more helpful

The "wish list" will show the "retails" charged for each element on the workorder (internal) copy. It is a powerful (and necessary) component of tracking Cost of Goods and ensuring how much was charged for which product/service. All of my staff actually like the new format much better (cleaner) than the current. And, whatever is better for them

I must say that Paul and staff have never questioned a single request, but looked at each one and weighed judgement

Just like in life, you don't get everything you want. But, you never get anything that you do not ask for.

I must say that when we were asking for this change we kept saying "What would Ellen like, too?"
I just downloaded LS. I want to be able to set my moulding prices differently than the way they have it set up. Currently my lowest price moulding is $7.50 but when using the markup in LS I have moulding that goes for less.

Can I manually set my moulding prices or do I have to use the formula for markup? If I manually set up my prices when I update the datafiles will my be out of date?
Hi Bob

Moulding (and mat) prices can be set with a global multiplier, different multipliers for each vendor, different multipliers for wholesale price ranges within each vendor, different multipliers for each individual moulding, or a fixed price per individual moulding (which does not consider future wholesale price changes). In addition, you can have it tack on an extra "fixed cost factor" - per linear foot. (as suggested by some of the industry leaders)

If you call up an individual moulding, you'll see a screen as pictured above. The "Cost" fields come from the vendors, but the markup and selling price are things you can edit. If you change the "times markup" field to calculate your desired value for this item, it will be flexible in the future. When a new "cost" comes through from the vendor, it will mark up accordingly to reflect the higher retail price.

If that isn't clear, drop by the LiveChat system any time and i'll be glad to give a better example. (or you can call LifeSaver tech support, of course)

I hope Lifesaver is paying you something for compiling all this very helpful info, Thank you.

Last night I tried finding a place where I can change or add info to my shop address. I noticed my statements and invoices print my location address as I entered when installing LS. But my mailing address is my home address. Is there a way to change or add to the address info?
Hi Denny

The FAQ is a volunteer effort. I'm glad that you found it useful. These things are all in the docs, but I tried to approach them in a different way. The official documentation can also be viewed within the program at any time by hitting F1.

If you contact tech support, they can change the address right over the phone. They change it at the host computer, and it will update all your forms after you click the UPDATE button.

Best regards,
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TIP: Power and Equipment Failure Preparedness

How would your shop do during a power failure, or if your server hard drive failed? These are a few tips to help prepare for such a rare situation.

-Consider installing a UPS (battery backup).
This will keep your computer and monitor running for up to 30 minutes, during a brief power failure. This will give you time to properly shut it down, to prevent file corruption. This will also keep you online during brief outages or dips, and protect your equipment from brownouts. The credit card terminal can also be plugged into this device. Note: Laser printers should not be plugged into a UPS, because of their high power requirement.

Daily backups are essential, and should be rotated to different media. The media (USB flash drive, zip drive, floppy drive, etc) should not be left in the machine, because a theft, lightning, or power surge would likely take out the computer and zap anything in the drives. Full periodic backups should also be considered for other files you have stored on this machine. (Word documents, spreadsheets, quickbooks, etc)

-Preparedness for order pick-ups
What some LifeSaver equipped shops do is fold completed workorders lengthwise and store them alphabetically, near the register. This gives a place for handwritten notes when customers were contacted by phone, the remaining balance due is printed, a quick glance of what has yet to be picked up, and a fallback method when the PC is either in use by another staff member or otherwise unavailable. Some shops note when it was picked up, and file it away.

-Preparedness for pricing during a power failure or system failure
In this rare situation, it is good to have a backup plan. Knowing where the current vendor price lists/books are, having a recent POS printout handy that shows your pricing matrix, etc. From the main menu, click PRICES and then PRINT. With these items handy, you can still conduct business manually until the problem is resolved.
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Walkthrough: Photo Restoration & Print Orders

Walkthrough: Pricing and selling Photo Restoration and/or Printing through LifeSaver

Enable the transmission of DigitalCustom orders at closing (one time process)

At the main menu:
-Click Preferences
-Make sure "Upload DigitalCustom (when orders are ready)" is checked ON
-Click SAVE
-Click QUIT to return to main menu
Note: If the system detects orders that are pending, it will prompt with a transmission preview screen when you do the normal daily closing.

Setting/Changing DigitalCustom suggested retail prices

At the main menu:
-Click PRICE
-Click FILE pulldown
-Select category from pulldown menu on left
-Edit prices on the right side of the screen (Cost, markup, selling price)
-Click SAVE & EXIT when finished
Note: A wholesale price list is available from DigitalCustom customer service. This includes a detailed instruction guide with a list of recommended scanners, scanning tips, turnaround times, pictures of all screens, a form to request free samples, etc.

Steps for completing a transaction

At the main menu:
-Click SERVICES on the first available item line
-Click DIGITALCUSTOM button to start an order
-Enter project description. ie: "Miller Restoration"
-(optional) Enter special editing instructions
-Retrieve image. (Click SCAN if you have a scanner, or IMAGE to load from file)
-Select desired options/treatments in the EDITING tab. ex: "Edit Overnight"
-(optional) SCANNING tab. Applies if mailing art to be scanned by company.
-(optional) CD/DVD OUTPUT tab. Applies if you want to order a CD or DVD with the results.
-(optional) PRINT OUTPUT tab. Select Qty, Size, Border for prints on paper or canvas
-SHIPPING tab - Select shipping method if you ordered prints or CD/DVD. If downloading result from internet only, select NO SHIPPING
-Notice suggest retail prices at the bottom of the screen for each of the above categories, as well as a grand total.
-Click SAVE when satisfied with all choices, and it will place the order as a line item in the Quick Sale screen.
-Complete the sale (take payment, save, print receipt, etc) as normal
-Order will be transmitted with your daily closing, assuming the option is turned on. (see above)
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FrameVue Visualization System Integration w/LifeSaver

The visualization product was unveiled near the end of 2006 and tightly integrates with LifeSaver, following the familiar workflow. For example, art size, mouldings, mat widths, mats, reveals, are entered only once and in a familiar format. These items automatically flow back to LifeSaver, and populate the ticket screen. This saves time, typos, and prevents the need for duplicate entry.

From the Main Menu:
-Click FrameVue
Special Note/Shortcut: Click FRAMEVUE at menu menu to automate the above steps
-Click GET PICTURE FROM CAMERA (or from file)
-Click MOULDING, MAT, ART and define each, specifying the item #s
-(optional) Click FILLET, if applicable, to define the fillet area
-(optional) Change Mat Width and Reveals, if desired
-(optional) Click WALL COLOR to define a background
-Click VUE IMAGE to see the result
-(optional) Click BEVEL to toggle bevel type
-(optional) Click V-GROOVE to define optional v-groove(s)
-(optional) Select GLAZING to show examples of glare and glazing properties
-(optional) Select MULTI-OPENING to control layout of multi images
-(optional) Select CMC LAYOUT for additional options
-Click DONE and final result will be moved to the COMPARE IMAGES section
-You can make changes to create variations at this point, and click COMPARE IMAGES to show a side by side comparison
-When satisfied, click TO LIFESAVER. Everything (including the image) will go back to LifeSaver. From there you can add a customer name, and accept payment.

FrameVue Personalization & Configuration

This one time process lets you define some of the program's defaults.

From the FrameVue program:
-Click EDIT
-Click SCREEN SETTINGS tab and define your monitor resolution/size, horiz -> vert or vert -> horiz.
-Click MATTING to define default mat widths and reveals, etc
-Click V-GROOVE to define default width and default color
-Click EMAIL to define email template. Designs can optionally be mailed to your client.
-Click APPLY to save configuration changes

FrameVue Backup Considerations in LifeSaver

For those with both products, Lifesaver has added a backup facility/option to archive visualiation images which have been attatched to orders. If you wish to make use of it, you have to turn this option ON as follows:

From the Main Menu:
-Check the box next to "Backup Visualization Images"
-Click SAVE

At the daily closing and backup screen, you'll see it save an additional archive to your backup device which contains the FrameVue images.
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TIP: SAVE A TREE: Preview reports on screen, with option to print

Most popular reports can be set to preview on the screen, with an option to print or not.

From the main menu:
-Notice the PRINT PREVIEW column of check boxes on the right side
-Place a check next to any reports that you wish to preview on the screen
-Click RUN after selecting the desired reports
-If you wish to have a hard copy, click the PRINTER icon
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multiple orders for the same customer

If I have a customer who has 3 identical photos to be framed the same way - is there an option to just multiply the workup times three? Or do I have to type up three individual tickets?

Other than what prints at the end of each day, summarizing the transactions for the day, this is not a report currently available.

I emailed LifeSaver and asked about this, and they were very receptive to the suggestion. It has been added to the wishlist, and will be very similar to the current workorder report.

idea for a report in LS

I need to reorder some glass. I ran a materials report hoping I could find out what lite sizes I used most and order accordingly. The reports told me the percentages of the "types" of glass I used but not the sizes.

It would be nice to have a report broken down by glass type telling how many of each lite size was used. This could be tallied based on the frame size on the work order.

Yes? No? Maybe?
LSS/Arquati fillet coding

don't remeber seeing anything on this subject, but----trying to find the cost for a new piece(blue fillet) 210-756-900 (as printed on the label) . LU 210-756-900, LU210-756-900, LU210756900, & LU 210756900 wouldn't work---finally called LUDWIG & found out they added an "F" to the numbers so it's "F210-756-900" BUT she also said that they took the 'dashes' OUT so it should be LUF210756900.
HOWEVER----LSS still needs the dashes---- so the findable number ends up "LUF210-756-900"..........go figure!:shrug:
Hi Bill,

Wow that's a confusing one! ha

The vendors provide the item numbers directly to the pos vendors, which determines how the numbers are laid out. The POS companies then pass it along to their clients. The only thing determined by the POS vendor is the unique letter code/prefix. ie: LU

If the mouldings came in labelled wrong, you can re-print the labels and barcodes within lifesaver - so they'll match the database. This is something we do in our shop, because some companies still don't include barcodes or descriptions.

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frameview to lifesaver

I have a problem getting the image from frame view over to the sales screen of lifesaver. I follow all the steps as they are laid out in the manual but it just doesn't work for me. also, I noticed that the automatic image size calculation does not work anymore. now I have to measure horiz and vertical, does any one have suggestions???
thanks,:help: matthias
Hi Mathias:

You need to be in the ticket screen in LifeSaver and start FV from there. Then after you click on Done in FV, click on To LifeSaver, on the right hand side of the screen.

PS: I am home and posting this from memory, but I believe it is correct.

PPS: This thread is really just for tips for LifeSaver. You may want to post questions about FrameVue in a new thread.
As Paul said, FV must be called from within the LS ticket screen for the integration to work. If you are manually loading frame-vue in standalone mode, this feature will not work.

If you still have a problem, please confirm the version numbers for both products. As of this writing, LS should be 4.44 or 4.44TV, and FV should be

I'm working on printing labels of my customer base and can't seem to get them to print correctly. The top of the page prints ok but by the time the bottom is done half of the name is printed on the label above it. Is there a certain address label to use or way to set it to print differently?

Also I sold a shadow box moulding and a extender moulding for added depth. When the work order printed the extender calculated 2 feet less as if it were to be stacked. Is there a way to make it charge the same amount of footage for both.

Thanks in advance and BTW I love lifesaver software!
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Hi Sue,


If using an inkjet or laser printer, they should be 1" x 2 5/8" (3 cols of 10 each, 30 per page)
Avery product 5160, 5260, 5810, or 5960

If using a Dymo/Costar thermal/roll label printer, they are ___ labels per roll
Dymo product _______ (I have to research that)

BARCODE LABELS: (mouldings, mats, gift/art items)

If using an inkjet or laser printer, they should be 2/3" x 3 7/16" (2 cols of 15 each, 30 per page)
Avery product 8366 or 5266

If using a Dymo/Costar thermal/roll label printer, they are 260 labels per roll
Dymo product 30277.

As far as your other question, can you give me some moulding #s? I'd like to try it so I can understand what you are asking.

I hope this is helpful
Also I sold a shadow box moulding and a extender moulding for added depth. When the work order printed the extender calculated 2 feet less as if it were to be stacked. Is there a way to make it charge the same amount of footage for both.

If I am understanding what you're saying, there might be one of two ways to deal with that issue, one of which will have you charging a little bit more, and one requiring a little extra legwork from you.

For the first idea, make sure you are entering the numbers into the boxes in order of face moulding first, extender in the second field. What this will do is set all sizes for that second moulding, your extender. So, if say your total size is 32x40 or whatever, it will give you the length amount for the extender, and then calculate the length for the face frame based on the width of the extender. For example, let's say that for your 1" wide extender, it tells you that you will need 12 feet, LS will probably tell you that you need 12.5' to 13' of the face moulding. You'll charge a little bit more for the face frame, but that extra amount could be applied to actually building the two frames together.

The other way you could do this would be to enter the extender, find out the cost for it, then add that cost to the "Include Misc" tab. Remove the extender and add the face frame. In the "Special Instructions" field you can now add what the number of the extender was, and how much you need to order (based on the footage that appears for the face frame). This method requires more legwork when it comes time to order, because you need to remember to get the extender information off the worksheet when you're ready to place your order, as of course, the extender info will not appear on your Pick List. It's a little more work, but it's also probably the most accurate.

Hope that's not too confusing. I have used both methods, and actually favor the former.