Lifesaver 4.0 released 3/25

Mike Labbe

Forum Support Team
Forum Donor
Jun 25, 2002
Lincoln, RI
Get The Picture
For those who use Lifesaver, the much anticipated version 4.0 was released yesterday.

As most of the Grumbler's who were beta testing will agree, this version includes great improvements to the program and user interface. The user interface has been revamped with a Windows XP "look and feel", while preserving the workflow from the previous versions. It now supports 1024 x 768 screen resolution, and they've embedded the calendar in the ticket screen. It has the ability to "block out" scheduling for holidays, more glass types, automatic recovery, length or chop toggle in ticket screen, database of which employee fitted each job, better barcoding support, and a lots of other goodies.

Some tips and things we found that may save some frustration:

a) To use the new high resolution ticket screen, we had to adjust the resolution on our PC. Right click on your windows desktop/wallpaper, pick PROPERTIES, click on the SETTINGS tab, change the resolution to 1024x768, hit OK.

b) The F1 command loads the new documentation/help file, (Users_Guide.PDF) but it has to be manually downloaded/installed from their website, and saved in c:\lifesaver. (overwrite the old docs) Here is the direct link to grab the 4.0 documentation:

c) The new CHOP/LENGTH toggle on the ticket screen didn't work for us at first, because our vendor databases were installed two years ago and didn't contain both prices at the time. To remedy this, we went into moulding maintenance and erased each vendor and re-added them. This caused the program to re-load both prices from Lifesaver's online database.

d) While it took 18 seconds to dl at our shop via cable, it took almost 40 minutes to download at a friend's shop that uses dialup. If you have dialup, know that it'll take about 35-40 minutes to grab the program update and about 40 more minutes for the new documentation. To get the program update, you'll have to click the box that says "program updates" on the "update" screen. (by default this is off!)

e) As with ANY computer upgrade, backup backup backup before upgrading. Better safe than sorry!
Backing up c:\lifesaver\ and its subdirectories will effectively get it all.

I hope these tips are useful.

We installed it last night. Has anyone else upgraded yet? What do you think?

I just downloaded today and it wouldn't open...there was a corrupt file which was probably a problem on my end.
A call to customer service, a little head scratching on their part and I'm up and running.
I haven't looked at much except the opening screen yet. That threw me for a few seconds, it's a totally different look!

Thanks for the tips, Mike.
I'm going to go see how it works now.
I've been along for the beta test ride and love the new look. I really like the closing options with the daily business review screen. The Wizard interface is getting there too, it's just so easy to show the customer the way you invision the openings to be, and then just transfer and save the file for the Wiz.
I like the easy access to the moulding and mat databases from the ticket screen.

The calendar feature looks like it will be very helpful and I just noticed the email notification feature. Very nice.

Looks like there a quite a few new features to explore.

It's like having a new toy!
We've been using the email notification feature since last year and customers have been very receptive to the idea.

They were demoing a new feature at the NY show where it'll interface with the newest Lieberman's cd/dvd, and automatically import the selected prints to the LS sales receipt.
I'm curious how many folks price the mats by the "mat classes" method versus the "cost multiplier" method in LS, and which has the advantage. We currently use the mat classes method. Is there any advantage to switching?