Lieberman's art online program


SGF, Supreme Grumble Framer
Feb 7, 2001
Has anyone tried this yet? I am adding a shopping cart to my website soon and would like to add this feature.
I guess I'm just old school and don't trust the internet for secure ordering yet. I always fax my orders to Liebermans.
DB all the time. Quick, easy and customer gets REALLY impressed you can do it right in fron of their tiny little eyes.

Thge entire program is why we no longer even think of stocking prints. WHy? Go to Lieberman's and check out 100,000 plus prints. Why pay for that inventory> But that's just me
Actually, I think Diane was asking about their new program where they will enable ordering BY THE CUSTOMER from YOUR site. Ships to the customer.

Diane, when I inquired, as I recall, there were (are?) three options. They give you one of their canned sites (with some look and feel mods for you), they build you a custom site, or they will modify your site for you. Basically you pay them web design and contracting fees to build you a web site. (rates seemed in the going range at the time.)

They may jump in here, because I probably have the details a little scrambled since it was a while ago I inquired.

I couldn't see the payback. I just don't sell enough prints to pay for them building the thing for me. Might I off a web site? maybe?!? Now, if I already had a shopping cart and they made it EASY for ME to incorporate ordering from them, that might be a different story. But, what they had at the time was basically you pay them to let "your" customers order their product from your site. (As I understood it.)
Yea this is certainly for the web based program, which I meant to ask about at WCAF. We have the hits, I just need to figure out how to turn some of those hits into profits.

I fully trust the web for e-commerce.

For ordering their products from your shop, you can use the Art Explorer database (CD's or DVD). It provides a "shopping cart" type system, very similar to a website, with about 190,000 items. It has the option of ordering directly through their server, and lets you set it up as a retail terminal for your customers to search/browse for items. We have a pc dedicated for this, although the ability to order is intentionally disabled. We print it instead, and order by phone.
I was talking about the new program that enables customers to order from your website. I did receive an informational email. There are three 'packages'; one is for them to create and host a website for you, one is for you to create a site with their templates, and one is to add their info to your current site. The question remains, however, as to whether anyone has tried to use this program yet. They seem to have covered a lot of good points- the prints are drop shipped directly to your customers, with your label, and you are billed at wholesale by liebermans. I have to read through the returns policy. I just don't know if my site would generate enough sales to warrant the cost.
Bumping this up. I am also interested in finding out if anyone is using this service from Liebermans.
I just did a quick online search and looks like it might be a Lieberman's template. I wonder if they would be willing to share information? I will email and post results.
They had a nice full page ad in the newest DECOR. is not a lieberman's client. Who is going to be the guinea pig?
I met with a website developer this morning, and I was asking questions about using my own site with Liebermans data, versus utilizing Liebermans site templates, hosting package, etc.

I mentioned what I had seen about, and his first question was "why don't you just become an affiliate and not spend the money on a separate site" I said "good question"
He got his start in the "affiliate" business, so I asked him about percentages, etc. and he said that 25-30% was high for an affiliate program. Most pay around 8% or less. He also mentioned that there are ways to set up a site so that there is a direct link clicked so you get credit, becaue there is criteria that determines if credit is given.

Now, I haven't thought about this much, but, I would like to pose it to you guys out there...what do you think?? What are the pros & cons, etc. Off the top of my head, I could spew a few things, but I am in my research phase, and am curious as to what you all think.



p.s. I posted this on the other forum, under and wasn't getting any reaction. Got any ideas???
Elaine, I don't understand what you are talking about?? 25-30% of what?pay 8% of what? my reading of the email we got about is that "if we link to their site, they will "send" their customers to us fro framing." I don't see any direct cost or revenue in the communication.

Is he talking about something else? I ask again % of what? It's hard to respond when I don't understand?

The lieberman's equation I kindof understand ... we (you?) pay them to set things up and manage the collection of money and in return you collect the "reatil margin" on what is sold.

Basically you just have to figure out whether YOU can generate enough traffic with the site they create to collect enough margin to pay for the cost. simple ROI. If you don't have a site, you have to factor in the benifit of "having a site." But, if you have a site, the ROI calculation is straight forward (and hard to get a justification IMHO.
He was talking about the percentage that an affiliate program pays for clicking through from your site to theirs to buy posters.
Interesting. If the were offerring a % or a pay per click, I might get much more interested.
Cliff - I think it did. I think I read 25 or 30%.

That's my question - would you do the affiliate programeor import the liebermans into your full ecommerce site for the $200 and push the he11 out of it and drive the framing traffic to your store??

I've been talking to customers that bring posters in from,, etc. and ask them if they would buy from me if they knew they could - 100% say yes. It just needs to be known.

I would take the print sales from this direction in a heartbeat, I just won't stock them. I'm in the process of evaluating the direction of which way to go, so that's why I asked you guys what you all thought. I would like to support Liebermans if it makes sense. I'm having trouble justifying the hosting and other fees of their program.

Cliff - this is what is on their site:

Join PosterCheckOut's Affiliate Program and put your web site to work for you!

Do you have a web site and want to make some money with all of that traffic? We offer a great affiliate program for you to make money.

25% of Sale

Our percent of sale program pays you 25% for each sale that is generated from your site. Because we offer great incentives to buy more than one print (flat rate US shipping) our average sale is four to five prints per order - this all means a large pay off for you. You can also use Deep Linking in our percent of sale program. Deep Linking is the best way to get people clicking. Deep Linking is where you direct your hits to a specific area of our site, a specific URL, or web address. Join now!

Our affiliate program is free to join! You will also get access to stats that show how many impressions, how many click throughs, and how many sales your site is generating. If nothing else you can use our program as a free page hit counter!

Cliff - they guy I met with said that there is a way to make sure you get credit for the click throughs - can't remember right now, but he is coming back to me with some research info and ideas on which might be the better way to approach things based on his experience and the questions I asked him.

I'll keep you posted


I haven't got details yet, because my web guy hasn't sat down with me to go over the details. But,he sent me an email as an FYI to let me know that he had researched options for me and he thought that Liebermans would be the most cost effective/seamless way to go if I wanted to go forward with the print sales online.

I'll post details when I have them

Bumped again, due to recent inquiry in another Grumble forum.

Has anyone reading this signed up? - how has it been?

Best Regards
Forum moderator

PS: Welcome to the Grumble, Luke!

Has anybody had any experience with Lieberman's making a website for them?
Posts: 3 | From: Seekonk, MA