Liberon Frame Filler Trick


SGF, Supreme Grumble Framer
Feb 14, 2004
Nicholasville, KY
Hello. I love the Liberson frame filler in the little 40mm jars, but I have always found them a little hard to get in gaps. The consistancy has always been to solid to fill easily.
I put a small jar in the microwave for 20 seconds today! WORKED WONDERS!! Softened it up and it went in so easy and dried just like it always does. The jar once cooled off looks and feels like it did before heating.

Just FYI

I have never heard of the stuff. Is it basically frame putty? Does it harden eventually or stay soft?

Where do you get it? My usual suppliers don't have it. (I think)

Sometimes I will mix just a little glue with the putty to give it a little hardening characteristic.

Thanks for posting.
United has it.
It does dry and harden. That is why I like it

Frame putty that hardens is basically all it is. They have all sorts of colors. Its expensive but one little jar seems to last forever.
Originally posted by JbNormandog:

Sometimes I will mix just a little glue with the putty to give it a little hardening characteristic.

Thanks for that tip!
Put small amount of putty on scrap of mat and heat with heat gun. Goes on like soft butter,but taste like putter, ruins your taste for toast
Originally posted by Steven6095:

I put a small jar in the microwave for 20 seconds today! Just FYI
I, too, have had good results with the filler; however, be very cautious with the microwave time. It has a tendency to soften too much in the center of the jar and can make a mess if you dip right in.
A material that is plastic when hot and which
becomes hard when cool, is much safer for filling
gaps and losses than a permanently soft material
such as wax would be. It should not come off onto
other things, in the future.
