Letter art and multiple openings, how to value??


Dec 30, 2003
Beresford, SD
If I had to name (only) one intrinsic failing of mine, it would be that I always tend to undervalue my services. As a 12 year old babysitter, I used to dread THE question "so what do I owe you?".

Now, (a couple of decades past that point) I'm trying to figure out how to charge for the various openings on this very BUSY mat, which has been commissioned to match the one she already has. Any opinions welcomed and appreciated. If it matters, I'll be using my Wizard.

This will be a triple mat, 24x20.125 in size.

There will be four photo openings.
There will be one cut art opening (top layer only).
There will be three words, totalling 19 individual letters (top mat only).

This is where I'm leaning:
$70.50 for the mats (my price is $23.50 each)
+$56.00 for all the openings.

Is this way too much? Not enough?

I know that you all dread these types of questions, so thanks for tolerating mine.

Our pricing for the mats is lower, but the opening/design charge is about the same. ( Might need to look at raising mat prices! )
Did you give a firm price or just an estimate? Maybe you want to do time and materials - cost of the mat plus the time it takes to design and cut....plus Wizard time - just because the Wizard is fast, you still need to charge for wear and tear.
We would charge...

$63.75 for triple mat @ 20x24, plus
$108.50 for cuts at $3.50 per opening (31,if I'm reading you right)

And we're not in a high-end marketplace.

Good luck!