Less Wants Less Wants Less Wants


SGF, Supreme Grumble Framer
Jun 23, 2002
Less wants a very good used Fletcher 60" glass & board cutter. Well, I guess it doesn't have to be a Fletcher - does it?

Maybe I should buy new?
Yes, I think it DOES have to be a Fletcher, and I can't imagine why anyone would want to part with theirs unless they accidently bought two.

When I go, I plan to take mine with me, even if it means a bigger coffin.

Find a good price on a new one, then ask your favorite supplier - one with free delivery, if possible, if they'll match the price.

(It's okay for US to dicker, just not our customers.)
Why not try giving Paul Cascio in Southington a call. I don't have his number, but he's posted a few times in this section.


[ 05-22-2003, 07:59 AM: Message edited by: Hobbes03 ]
I was hoping this request could act as a reverse auction, you know what I mean, the kind where they send there lowest bid.

When I go, I plan to take mine with me, even if it means a bigger coffin.
No need for a bigger coffin.
You could always request that your family (Grumble that is) cut you up with the Fletcher into little pieces and bury you in your scrap glass box. Then Marc with flowers in his hair can frame your bones with a dog leash and keyboard.

Why not try giving Paul Cascio in Southington a call.
After seeing the Guerilla Framer's picture pointing at me in PFM, I've been having bad nightmares. He scares me.

Just kidding, I bought some things from Paul when I first got set up. I was happy with the deal, he personally delivered to my door, and the equipment is still chugging along.

I figure the Guerilla spends enough time placing ads here on the Grumble, he'll get the message. Or maybe a new equipment dealer will make me an offer I can't refuse.

[ 05-22-2003, 08:26 AM: Message edited by: lessafinger ]