Leopard Print or Hound's Tooth Plaid Mat?


SGF, Supreme Grumble Framer
Jun 13, 2002
Fingerlakes Region of NYS
Does anyone know if either of these are available?

If not, I might have to laminate a piece of leopard giftwrap and make my own!!


Queen City used to sell a leopard print, The company that bought their designs, Exeter I think the name is, still has them. Call the shop and ask Sheri if she has any of it left.

Raphael's/Mastersource has a Cheetah Ultrasuede that is leopardish-looking.

Where's Baer?
Depending on the art, fake fur might be interesting. Leopard would be no problem, but I don't think it comes in hound.

You could use fabric, mount it and wrap your bevels.........
Got my leopard giftwrap and laminated it to board - came out Great!!! Have lots of other decorative sheets - may have a new avenue to play on!!!

Too much fun, I'm having too much fun!!

Happy Happy!

Too much fun, I'm having too much fun!!
Well, … get over it, Roz!
Now please take a picture and share it with us!!

Bill, I am almost over it. Okay only one happy today. Elsa, I can do that...!

happy (see I snuck another happy in there Bill)
Here's a dumb question.... when you mount fabric onto matboard, what do you use drymount tissue? WHat kind? Sorry for the lame question.
Framinzfun. Not a lame question. All is answered in my new DVD "Fabric Wrapping 101". Will be available at WCAF.

Currently available from Frank's Fabric .... soon from other sources.

Doug, I'm here.... Leopard print... Framing Fabrics used to carry it before the NEI Group broke up. I haven't seen the discontiued list myself but understand it's not as bad as LM..