Length Measurement on Miter Chop Saw

Mustard Seed

Grumbler in Training
Jan 4, 2005
Gate City, VA
I have a 10" miter chop saw that I would like to upgrade with a scale so that I can cut larger moulding that can't be cut with my foot operated chopper. Is there a kit or something out there that I can purchase to give me the measurement scales for the rabbet cuts? Someone please help this struggling framer.
Mustard Seed I assume you have what I would call a "Power Miter" saw.It is the one with a handle that you depress to make the cut and looks almost like a Cirular saw with a pivot point that attches to a base. If so, a lot of the Cutting systems can be fitted with such saws .I have a Phaedra that is made like that (in fact I don't currently use it).But as I said others do make measureing guides that attch to your already owned saw . Just check around.
Yes...there are several manufactured miter benches available. Phaedra is one and Clearmont is another....I'm sure there are others. They are advertised in our trade journals and sold through various supply houses such as UMS (on the banner at the top of this page). They are manufactured to fit particular saws and may need some modification to use the one you have, but instructions are included for adapting to most saw models.
Another option for entry level framers is to build you own. Go to the search function (under the banner at the top of the page) and look under homemade framing tool (from drop down list) for "miter bench". There are instructions there for building your own.
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