I personally feel leasing (or buying) makes more sense than renting and having to pay for the corners. I did the math, and the figures came out nearly the same.
We opted to buy ours last December (we are 2 year old shop with only 1 1/4 employees), and we have no regrets. We "creatively" financed it on a 0% credit card, which is due to begin 8% interest in a month. It's then getting moved to another 0% card that expires next May. Eventually, i'm gonna have to pay for this thing

The extra 18 months will give us a chance to grow the business a bit, with someone else's money. It freed up the funds for advertising and stock.
As far as the machine goes, we're very happy with the equipment and the service. The software is top notch, and you'll probably be comfortable with it the first couple days. We haven't used our Esterly manual cutter since the day after Wizard arrived! (its for sale if anyone wants one)
We bought it with the expectation of expanding into specialty mats and marketing the service to other local frame shops, but never really met those goals. We use it for v-grooves, special openings, collages, clip art, etc - but its generally used for the regular day-to-day stuff.
It's saving so much time, that we're hoping it will buy some time before we need to hire our first real employee. When we do, training them will be a snap. The POS system exports the cutting instructions automatically.
The Wizard is one of several great products on the market. Here's a comparison list of the others:
If you have any questions, don't hesitate to call or email!