Larson Primitive frame and Roma fillet...


SGF, Supreme Grumble Framer
Aug 12, 2000
Mansfield, Ohio
... on original oil by deceased local artist. It's painted on the back of masonite. The customer liked the frame design.

Jana, that looks cool w/the painting. I'm using that same frame right now on an artist's abstract. When I first got the sample in, seemed it was the perfect frame for Native American pieces. Since then though, I've used it several times on some different paintings. One of my favorites, was a painting of some pottery in natural hues and reds. Really looked great.
Thanks Janet. I'd love to see examples of how you used that frame. Did you take any pictures? We don't use that line often, but when it works, it's just right.
OK Jana - It's now time to make some real cash and do some Buckeye stuff ( red & gray) LOL.
Your Buckeye buddy from Uniontown
Hi back atchya-- Buckeye stuff real hot here!
Cut out a block "O" of 3214, mount on black paper, trim 1/4 " around the "O",Put a buckeye sticker on it, Mount the whole thing on 3700 silver, frame with #11 red metal ---20 minutes---$35.00---Thank you very much!!! size 9x11
Looks very nice Jana.