I think the satement that LJ does not want small businesses is incorrect. I dumped LJ years ago after a series of mishaps. When the new sales rep, Dave Modene, came to my area, he was very persistant and came to see me every time he was nearby. I did comfortable numbers, but I was never in Bob C.'s league. It took a while, but Dave wore me down. I agreed to give LJ one more try. I told Dave, any screw ups, LJ is out for good. Ever since then, I had excellent service, and LJ had won me over. To say LJ does not want small shops is just plain wrong. The small shop is the backbone of this industry, and LJ knows it.
I would like to see if anyone can name another company that has done as much to promote the custom framing industry as Larson Juhl. I have seen their ads in home decorating magazines, and I believe they have developed a television commercial.
As one of Mike's polls indicate, more framer's deal with LJ than don't. There must be a reason for this.
Larson buying Nielsen gets a big "so what?" from me. I'll believe it when it happens, and I still won't care. Right now, it is just another rumor that I won't be repeating.