larson-juhl and joannes fabrics

Before there is any further Speculateing I am not Sprees buddy ( although I am a framer )However I haven't seen this letter in person and I have only seen Spree's form as of now.( guess that says something about how important my shop isto the Rumor mill).

But it is strange and irrateing that Spree has no real name nor does his "buddy" as does this speculative and slandering letter.But maybe the security cameras at the WCAF show can solve one of those problems ,which I'll bet Misters Buffet and Goltz will be very happy to have.
Charles BUDDY Drago CPF ®
DBA Needles and Knots
Chalmette,La. 70043
So that's the letter that all the fuss is about!

Guess what. Profit is not a dirty word. And striving towards making the best profit in your business does not make you greedy.

I really can't give any credibility to anyone who posts anonymously or to any letter that the sender does not have the courage to sign.
Is that what all the fuss is about? I really doubt that there is anyone here that didn't know these things already.

What a waste of time!

I say again, check the prices of the BBs. They are most likely charging more than you do. I have price shopped all of them except Joann's. They only had one store in the area and it is now closed.
The point here isn't to trash LJ....its to take it for what it is....more competition....and that isn't a good thing. LJ does offer training. I took classes with them. The big difference is when you are a Jo Anns employee, you dont have to pay $900 for the week long class. I dont understand how a small business owner would take the time to defend LJ when they are setting up shop in your back yard. Dont you already have to contend with Micheals and AC Moore. Business is business....but working smarter isn‘t a bad thing. You have to keep aware of whats out their so you can offer something different...special.
It is interesting to me that so many get their knickers in a twist over the fact that JoAnne's has LJ moulding. I am as concerned about what the other independent framers have. And they have LJ too. So does Michaels (fortunately ACMoores is out of the framing biz in our town). But their shops don't look like mine, and they don't frame like mine. I simply don't view them (any of the above) as a threat. We all frame. I frame better. Lots of folks know it, or will figure it out, or will hate my designs, personnel, ambiance, delivery time, carpet color, and never come in/come back. Somehow I still manage to make a good living, pay health insurance for 5 1/2 employees and pay the rent. Spend the time you have previously devoted to worrying about the competition in more productive ways, such as preparing a brochure to mail to 10 people every day, mailing to 5 houses around each customer you already have or take them out of the phone book, but mail them. Or make another brochure and deliver it to every business in town. The thing NOT to do is waste your energy wringing your hands (or sitting on them).