picture perfect
Grumbler in Training
Has anyone else heard anything about Larson-Juhl buying cmc machines, setting them up in their warehouses and training Joannes employees? This really disturbes me because of the way LJ is doing this. I have been a "partner" with them for over 18 years and never heard of doing this for a single company. It almost sounds like LJ wants to go into the wholesale business. I have heard this from several individuals, including an Eclipse rep and a LJ empolyee. Larson-juhl will not give me a straight answer and so far are avoiding me on this subject. My thoughts are, if they are doing this in a secretive way, WHY? If they are trying to hurt the small businessmen of our industry, then I think we should know about it and stop supporting Larson-Juhl. Please, give me your input.